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b0ng0man 13-06-07 05:23

it is sarcasm...i mean so it doesnt stall they have uped the rpm from 1500 to 1850 .they didnt need the bike for a month to do that did they?i took the bike to a friend who owns a bike shop all up i have travelled 120 kms and it cost me 7500 +400 for tyres and 100 for an air filter.so i aint a happy bunny at all. in fact i am extremely disapointed they does and will not ever run the way it should...and its still under warranty..i get 110 km with on full fuel tank and not going fast at all.

b0ng0man 13-06-07 05:32


Originally Posted by CaptMoto
Scary when claim to be a mechanic, no offence but so... yeah, what exactly do you know, huh? :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

what do i know simple after changing all these bit tps, and ecu made no improvement so what i am saying i got a dud..and whatever i did could not get it to run any better...the scary part yamaha had it for 5 weeks and neither could they..i mean putting the idle up from 1500 to 1870 so it wouldnt stall isnt an elegant fix..is it...i know one thing for sure this bike is very poorely mapped ,has almost no bottom end,in common terms its called a lemon...and as far as claiming top be a mechanic i have done evrything i could and perhaps more then the average guy...i just hope that when you take your bike for service you get a mecanic thats on half as sharp as i am at least when i gave my bike to yamaha no bolts were missing , which is not the case when i got it back...scary it is, i chose to become a motorcycle mechanic cause when i got my bike back the rear brake hadnt been bolted back on,the carby same..and buy the way my team won the asian formula 3 championship in 2005 with one driver ,1 engineer and 1 mechanic(me).so i sincerely hope you get someone whoi looks after you and thats cost effective...scary it it..

CaptMoto 13-06-07 08:15

Well we are very happy your bike is back and performing well, this is what all these bikes should behave like, enjoy it and let us know how you get on :smilies0944:

AJT690KTM 13-06-07 08:48

"carby"??????? mine has got fuel injection, are you sure you are not on the :wrongforum:

CaptMoto 13-06-07 08:51

oops... another blooper go to :smilies0211: no pass go!!

:rankn-cpo: :043:

xtfreak 13-06-07 23:54

So thats that 1 sorted then, im glad everyones happy now.
Its Strange, if a bike had given me that much grief, i would have got rid of by now. Or is it just a case of being happy when you are moaning. Theres nothing wrong with that, my dads a moaner.
Im intreged at your patence. Hope you get it sorted soon anyway, cant take much more abuse.:runaway:

b0ng0man 14-06-07 01:32


Originally Posted by AJT660
"carby"??????? mine has got fuel injection, are you sure you are not on the :wrongforum:

my xt 500 has a carby so did my xt 500 and my xtz 750..only the xt660x has fuel injection...

b0ng0man 14-06-07 01:34


Originally Posted by xtfreak
So thats that 1 sorted then, im glad everyones happy now.
Its Strange, if a bike had given me that much grief, i would have got rid of by now. Or is it just a case of being happy when you are moaning. Theres nothing wrong with that, my dads a moaner.
Im intreged at your patence. Hope you get it sorted soon anyway, cant take much more abuse.:runaway:

i had to get rid of it .. i am still riding my xt 500 at the moment has no flatspots idles perfectly at 1250 rpm and use half as much petrol . the only thing on the xt 500 that would be awesome would be Brakes!!!!

AJT690KTM 14-06-07 08:42


Originally Posted by b0ng0man
..and buy the way my team won the asian formula 3 championship in 2005 with one driver ,1 engineer and 1 mechanic(me).so i sincerely hope you get someone whoi looks after you and thats cost effective...scary it it..

Playstation or Nintendo?

b0ng0man 16-06-07 09:02


Originally Posted by AJT660
Playstation or Nintendo?


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