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  # 1  
Old 07-07-06, 10:30
caterham7 caterham7 is offline
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DNA Stage 2

Ok how does the DNA stage 2 work? is it a replacement for the standard airbox cover? i think im confused!!!!!!!

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Old 07-07-06, 11:18
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Originally Posted by caterham7
Ok how does the DNA stage 2 work? is it a replacement for the standard airbox cover? i think im confused!!!!!!!

You see. caterham7, most owners of s/moto's or big singles such as KTM / Berg's Husky's drill out their air box panels to allow a greater intake of air, DNA designed one specifically for our bikes which works wonders and at the same time it includes a filter which help cleaning said air intake.

I do declare that the DNA 2 is the best mod anyone can do on our bikes and immediately tell the difference, it does give u a few extra ponies too!! try it, you won't be disappointed.
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Old 07-07-06, 13:29
caterham7 caterham7 is offline
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cool.....so better get one then
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Old 07-07-06, 13:36
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Originally Posted by caterham7
cool.....so better get one then
yes and if you fancy a forum 10% discount order from Carbon Cans co. on

Carbon Can Company - 2 Albert Street - Fleetwood - Lancs FY7 6AH
Tel: 01253 877900 - Fax: 01253 870599 - sales@carboncan.co.uk

Ask for Simon tell him that Krazy Italian sent u from XT660.com

good luck

Last edited by CaptMoto; 07-07-06 at 18:31.
  # 5  
Old 15-07-06, 14:19
Pingu Pingu is offline
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K & N or DNA?

Hi all. I was going to buy some new end cans and a K & N filter for my XT but I have read good reports about the DNA Stage 2 thingy. However, if I have my info correct, you MUST have the fuel injection re-mapped or whatever you call it if you have the DNA but you don't need to do anything with the K & N even if you have new cans too. Is this correct? The problem is, living in North Norfolk, there isn't anyone around here that I can find who can set it up for me. Do you think I should go cans and K & N which seems the least hassle or is the DNA that much better than the K & N that it is worth the extra effort to find someone to set it up? Also, with the DNA Stage 2 filter cover thingy, do you need a DNA filter as well as the cover as that's how it reads on their website? I don't fancy doing the Kev Mod as I am hopeless with electrical stuff and I prefer to leave things as standard as possible, with the exception of cans and filter, that is! Any advice will be much appreciated, and also many thanks to f1camardo for all your help.

Thank you!
  # 6  
Old 15-07-06, 14:39
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Originally Posted by Pingu
Hi all. I was going to buy some new end cans and a K & N filter for my XT but I have read good reports about the DNA Stage 2 thingy. However, if I have my info correct, you MUST have the fuel injection re-mapped or whatever you call it if you have the DNA but you don't need to do anything with the K & N even if you have new cans too. Is this correct? The problem is, living in North Norfolk, there isn't anyone around here that I can find who can set it up for me. Do you think I should go cans and K & N which seems the least hassle or is the DNA that much better than the K & N that it is worth the extra effort to find someone to set it up? Also, with the DNA Stage 2 filter cover thingy, do you need a DNA filter as well as the cover as that's how it reads on their website? I don't fancy doing the Kev Mod as I am hopeless with electrical stuff and I prefer to leave things as standard as possible, with the exception of cans and filter, that is! Any advice will be much appreciated, and also many thanks to f1camardo for all your help.

Thank you!
Pingu, let me explain:

inside the airbox there is only one filter. ok?
looks like this: http://www.knfilters.com/search/product.aspx?Prod=YA-6604

now when you replace that filter for either a K&N or DNA high flow, it doesn't makes any difference which one of these you choose they are equally good the only difference is in the sticker that comes with it, really! When you fit one of these two, ideally you wouldn't need to do any adjustment to the fuelling but of course as these are high flow filters, you might require a little more juice as they breath more and faster meaning they have to be compensated with more fuel to be burnt or else you'll be running slighlty leaner than required.

Now... DNA recently designed a STAGE 2 filter that is basically a replacement of your Air Box panel which consists of the panel itself, being totally replaced with a ported filter which gives the bike an extra lung, so to speak, allowing twice the breathing possibility and twice the performance (i do declare!!). this DNA stage 2 looks like this: http://www.dnafilters.com/filterdetails.asp?filterid=258

When you fit this filter to your bike, you would definately need you to adjust the CO levels on your dash which is done following these instructions: http://www.xt660.com/showthread.php?t=55

Finally if you have a power commander fitted it is highly recomended that you adjust the mapping (which if you know how to - using the 3 buttons on your power commander - you can do yourself as I did) to allow for an increased fuelling.

Hope this will help you and all the other who are perplexed with the same battling concept.

any further questions ask me or Kev (preferrably) as he is the real mechanic, while I am just talking from personal experience with these same problems.

Last edited by CaptMoto; 15-07-06 at 17:21.
  # 7  
Old 15-07-06, 18:37
Pingu Pingu is offline
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Clever stuff eh?

Thanks for that info. I didn't know you could adjust things like that using the dash! Mind you, that's probably just as well as I would no doubt do something daft and set it to run on diesel or something....

Anyway, for ease of installation etc. I think I will go K & N and either Quill or Carbon Can er, cans. I had a Quill on my R1 and that was very good, so I might try them on my XT. Would I be the first in this forum to try them? Also, would you recommend Super Plus/Shell Optimax or regular unleaded with these upgrades?

Thanks again,

  # 8  
Old 15-07-06, 18:49
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Originally Posted by Pingu
Thanks for that info. I didn't know you could adjust things like that using the dash! Mind you, that's probably just as well as I would no doubt do something daft and set it to run on diesel or something....

Anyway, for ease of installation etc. I think I will go K & N and either Quill or Carbon Can er, cans. I had a Quill on my R1 and that was very good, so I might try them on my XT. Would I be the first in this forum to try them? Also, would you recommend Super Plus/Shell Optimax or regular unleaded with these upgrades?

Thanks again,

Pingu, trust me mate, there is no damage you can do to the bike altering the Diag settings on your dash, if all fails you can return it to standard pretty easily if you make a note of what values was the bike originally set at.

I myself am a self-confessed "dumbo" when it comes with things like these and I have managed to learn and its a piece of piss really. so don't worry about it.
Yes, you will be the first person I know with a set of Quill cans, as I have not seen them yet. But let me remind you that the Carbon Cans exhausts are top quality.


Last edited by CaptMoto; 15-07-06 at 18:52.
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Old 18-08-06, 03:05
stzog stzog is offline
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So the K&N filter and the DNA 2nd stage filter co-exist???I ask because i am a little confused.I have already a K&N filter,will be the DNA 2nd stage one supplementary to the K&N ot i am supposed to replace it???
  # 10  
Old 18-08-06, 03:49
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Originally Posted by stzog
So the K&N filter and the DNA 2nd stage filter co-exist???I ask because i am a little confused.I have already a K&N filter,will be the DNA 2nd stage one supplementary to the K&N ot i am supposed to replace it???
Yes they do co-exist, you must consider them as 2 different filters, one is the main which comes as standard that can be replace d with a n high flow either K&N or DNA and the other (the DNA stage 2) which allows more air i.e. power, and has an ADDITIONAL filter to clean extra air intake.

Please,I can't stress this enough: read the forum sections on after market filters thoroughly to clear any doubts Kev is already very busy trying to help you all and he could be helped by not answering repeated questions.

Thank you for understanding

Last edited by CaptMoto; 18-08-06 at 03:51.

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