Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description. If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! |
Generic Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:cry[1]: | Cry[1] | |
:dog: | Dog | |
:love9: | Love9 | |
:061: | 061 | |
:hny: | Happy New Year | |
:bike: | Bike | |
:evil7: | Evil7 | |
:protest: | Protest | |
:093: | 093 | |
:wrdtrd: | wrdtrd | |
:icon_albino: | Icon Albino | |
:woo: | Woo | |
:sleepy2: | Sleepy2 | |
:angel11: | Angel11 | |
:icon_monkey: | Icon Monkey | |
:WinkGirl_5QKNBN: | WinkGirl 5QKNBN | |
:dentist: | Dentist | |
:tool: | Tool | |
:blob9: | Blob9 | |
:icon_thumleft: | Icon Thumleft | |
:029: | 029 | |
:coolsmiley: | Coolsmiley | |
:clap: | Clap | |
:laughing9: | Laughing9 | |
:050: | 050 | |
:southpark: | South Park | |
:hooters: | Hooters | |
:no[1]: | No[1] | |
:eusa_sick: | Eusa Sick | |
:occasion18: | Occasion18 | |
:082: | 082 | |
:mboxsend: | mboxsend | |
:rant2: | Rant2 | |
:happy11: | Happy11 | |
:sign14: | Sign14 | |
:114: | 114 | |
:icon_exclaim: | Icon Exclaim | |
:Present_GDG8JM: | Present GDG8JM | |
:titflash[1]: | Titflash[1] | |
:thumbsup: | Thumbsup | |
:argue: | Argue | |
:icon_scratch: | Icon Scratch | |
:018: | 018 | |
:Christo_pull_hair: | Christo Pull Hair | |
:welcome: | Welcome | |
:wav: | Wav | |
:crybaby: | Crybaby | |
:walk1: | Walk1 | |
:icon_scoot[1]: | Icon Scoot[1] | |
:eusa_dance: | Eusa Dance | |
:nike: | Nike | |
:071: | 071 | |
:partyondude: | Party on dude | |
:drillsergeant: | Drillsergeant | |
:glasses13: | Glasses13 | |
:sad3: | Sad3 | |
:103: | 103 | |
:icon_cherry: | Icon Cherry | |
:Gangsta2_9BI664: | Gangsta2 9BI664 | |
:rotf[1]: | Rotf[1] | |
:spam1: | Spam1 | |
:angry: | Angry | |
:icon_queen: | Icon Queen | |
:006: | 006 | |
:byesmiley: | Byesmiley | |
:loser: | Loser | |
:toothy9: | Toothy9 | |
:cat: | Cat | |
:knob: | Knob | |
:039: | 039 | |
:smilies0943: | Smilies0943 | |
:bigfinger[1]: | Bigfinger[1] | |
:disgust: | Disgust | |
:love8: | Love8 | |
:060: | 060 | |
:wow: | Wow | |
:bcake: | Bcake | |
:evil6: | Evil6 | |
:pottytrain5: | Pottytrain5 | |
:092: | 092 | |
:toot: | toot | |
:icescream: | Icescream | |
:what: | What | |
:sleepy1: | Sleepy1 | |
:angel10: | Angel10 | |
:icon_mad: | Icon Mad | |
:WellDone_OROQR1: | WellDone OROQR1 | |
:brain: | Brain | |
:tongue9: | Tongue9 | |
:blob8: | Blob8 | |
:icon_surprised: | Icon Surprised | |
:028: | 028 | |
:smilies0345: | Smilies0345 | |
:boozer: | Boozer | |
:laughing8: | Laughing8 | |
:049: | 049 | |
:sleep01: | go to sleep | |
:Mandy: | Mandy | |
:needpics[1]: | Needpics[1] | |
:eusa_shifty: | Eusa Shifty | |
:occasion17: | Occasion17 | |
:081: | 081 | |
:mboxhappy: | mboxhappy | |
:rankn-cpo: | Rankn Cpo | |
:happy10: | Happy10 | |
:sign13: | Sign13 | |
:113: | 113 | |
:icon_evil: | Icon Evil | |
:Photos_3NT5BI: | Photos 3NT5BI | |
:thumbsup[1]: | Thumbsup[1] | |
:thumbsdown: | Thumbsdown | |
:angryfire: | Angryfire | |
:icon_santa: | Icon Santa | |
:017: | 017 | |
:smilies0546: | Smilies0546 | |
:sweat: | Sweat | |
:wasted: | Wasted | |
:confused5: | Confused5 | |
:icon_burnout[1]: | Icon Burnout[1] | |
:eusa_clap: | Eusa Clap | |
:newbie: | Newbie | |
:070: | 070 | |
:tazdevil: | Tazmanian Devil | |
:dito: | Dito | |
:glasses12: | Glasses12 | |
:sad2: | Sad2 | |
:102: | 102 | |
:icon_cheese: | Icon Cheese | |
:Footie_UUEIJA: | Footie UUEIJA | |
:snorting: | Snorting | |
:angel9: | Angel9 | |
:icon_puke_r: | Icon Puke R | |
:005: | 005 | |
:mixed-smiley-014: | Mixed Smiley 014 | |
:imwninny: | Imwninny | |
:toothy6: | Toothy6 | |
:bunny: | Bunny | |
:kermit: | Kermit | |
:038: | 038 | |
:SPanikengun77: | SPanikengun77 | |
:fing08: | Fing08 | |
:beer[1]: | Beer[1] | |
:director2: | Director2 | |
:love7: | Love7 | |
:059: | 059 | |
:happy birthday: | Happy B | |
:bbeer: | Bbeer | |
:evil5: | Evil5 | |
:pottytrain4: | Pottytrain4 | |
:091: | 091 | |
:tmi: | tminfo | |
:iamwithstupid: | Iamwithstupid | |
:warning1: | Warning1 | |
:headbang: | Headbang | |
:sith: | Sith | |
:angel1: | Angel1 | |
:icon_lol: | Icon Lol | |
:p | Stick Out Tongue | |
:Waiter_U4J1RV: | Waiter U4J1RV | |
:blow kiss: | Blow Kiss | |
:tongue8: | Tongue8 | |
:blob7: | Blob7 | |
:icon_sunny: | Icon Sunny | |
:027: | 027 | |
:smilies0211: | Smilies0211 | |
:supergay: | Supergay | |
:laughing7: | Laughing7 | |
:048: | 048 | |
:mbounce: | mbounce | |
:door: | Door | |
:moonshine[1]: | Moonshine[1] | |
:eusa_shhh: | Eusa Shhh | |
:occasion16: | Occasion16 | |
:080: | 080 | |
:mboxempty: | mboxempty | |
:irony: | Irony | |
:happy1: | Happy1 | |
:sign12: | Sign12 | |
:112: | 112 | |
:icon_eek: | Icon Eek | |
:Nurse_KGBJ5I: | Nurse KGBJ5I | |
:team[1]: | Team[1] | |
:thefinger: | Thefinger | |
:angry9: | Angry9 | |
:icon_salut: | Icon Salut | |
:016: | 016 | |
:smilies0923: | Smilies0923 | |
:surrender: | Surrender | |
:walk: | Walk | |
:confused4: | Confused4 | |
:hug[1]: | Hug[1] | |
:eusa_boohoo: | Eusa Boohoo | |
:naka: | Naka | |
:069: | 069 | |
:spiderman: | Spider Man | |
:dalek: | Dalek | |
:glasses11: | Glasses11 | |
:sad11: | Sad11 | |
:101: | 101 | |
:icon_cheers: | Icon Cheers | |
:Flowers_QAT7TL: | Flowers QAT7TL | |
:smoke: | Smoke | |
:angel8: | Angel8 | |
:icon_puke_l: | Icon Puke L | |
:004: | 004 | |
:ban: | Ban | |
:guitar player: | Guitar Player | |
:toothy5: | Toothy5 | |
:bs: | Bs | |
:jerk: | Jerk | |
:037: | 037 | |
:candledinner: | Candledinner | |
:rant: | Rant | |
:bbq[1]: | Bbq[1] | |
:director: | Director | |
:love6: | Love6 | |
:058: | 058 | |
:bravo: | congratulazioni | |
:axe: | Axe | |
:evil4: | Evil4 | |
:pottytrain3: | Pottytrain3 | |
:090: | 090 | |
:stirpot: | stirpot | |
:homework: | Homework | |
:viking: | Viking | |
:happy9: | Happy9 | |
:sign7: | Sign7 | |
:alien: | Alien | |
:icon_king: | Icon King | |
;) | Wink | |
:VeryHot_FWSGAA: | VeryHot FWSGAA | |
:bling: | Bling | |
:tongue7: | Tongue7 | |
:blob6: | Blob6 | |
:icon_study: | Icon Study | |
:026: | 026 | |
:smilies1349: | Smilies1349 | |
:chevil: | Chevil | |
:headhack: | headhack | |
:gal: | Gal | |
:mod_smilie_icon_pol | Mod Smilie Icon Police[1] | |
:eusa_pray: | Eusa Pray | |
:occasion15: | Occasion15 | |
:079: | 079 | |
:tlocked: | trdlocked | |
:hw27: | Hw27 | |
:hal: | Hal | |
:sign10: | Sign10 | |
:111: | 111 | |
:icon_cyclops_ani: | Icon Cyclops Ani | |
:Mullet_T57ECT: | Mullet T57ECT | |
:teaandcake[1]: | Teaandcake[1] | |
:thebirdman: | Thebirdman | |
:angry8: | Angry8 | |
:icon_sad: | Icon Sad | |
:015: | 015 | |
:smilies0966: | Smilies0966 | |
:sneeze: | Sneeze | |
:violent5: | Violent5 | |
:confused3: | Confused3 | |
:laughing6: | Laughing6 | |
:047: | 047 | |
:hidesbehindsofa[1]: | Hidesbehindsofa[1] | |
:eusa_angel: | Eusa Angel | |
:munky2: | Munky2 | |
:068: | 068 | |
:respeck: | Respeck | |
:crowded: | Crowded | |
:glasses10: | Glasses10 | |
:sad10: | Sad10 | |
:100: | 100 | |
:icon_cat: | Icon Cat | |
:FlowersAndHeart_SL3 | FlowersAndHeart SL39LU | |
:smirk: | Smirk | |
:angel7: | Angel7 | |
:icon_profileright: | Icon Profileright | |
:003: | 003 | |
:pjrmoony_1JJHDG: | Pjrmoony 1JJHDG | |
:gayfight: | Gayfight | |
:toothy4: | Toothy4 | |
:brushteeth: | Brushteeth | |
:iroc: | Iroc | |
:036: | 036 | |
:smilies0243: | Smilies0243 | |
:love-smiley-085: | Love Smiley 085 | |
:ban-em[1]: | Ban Em[1] | |
:dink: | Dink | |
:love5: | Love5 | |
:057: | 057 | |
:italy: | Italian flag | |
:BSmeter: | BSmeter | |
:evil3: | Evil3 | |
:pottytrain2: | Pottytrain2 | |
:089: | 089 | |
:spamani: | spamani | |
:home: | Home | |
:tank: | Tank | |
:happy8: | Happy8 | |
:sign5: | Sign5 | |
:@: | @ | |
:icon_jokercolor: | Icon Jokercolor | |
:D | Big Grin | |
:Tongue_HKIM7O: | Tongue HKIM7O | |
:bj: | Bj | |
:tongue6: | Tongue6 | |
:blob5: | Blob5 | |
:icon_spiderman: | Icon Spiderman | |
:025: | 025 | |
:smilies0942: | Smilies0942 | |
:blowup: | Blowup | |
:happy: | happy016 | |
:whisper: | Whisper | |
:massage[1]: | Massage[1] | |
:eusa_naughty: | Eusa Naughty | |
:occasion14: | Occasion14 | |
:078: | 078 | |
:imgimg: | imgimg | |
:hb: | Hb | |
:grommit: | Grommit | |
:sex: | Sex | |
:110: | 110 | |
:icon_cyclops: | Icon Cyclops | |
:LoveGirl_XH95KV: | LoveGirl XH95KV | |
:gobain: | Suicide[1] | |
:tearyeyed: | Tearyeyed | |
:angry7: | Angry7 | |
:icon_rr: | Icon Rr | |
:014: | 014 | |
:newspaper: | Newspaper | |
:rockwoot: | Rockwoot | |
:violent4: | Violent4 | |
:confused2: | Confused2 | |
:laughing5: | Laughing5 | |
:046: | 046 | |
:hahaha[1]: | Hahaha[1] | |
:Edfirst: | Edfirst | |
:mumum: | Mumum | |
:067: | 067 | |
:winner: | winner | |
:coastguard: | Coastguard | |
:glasses1: | Glasses1 | |
:sad1: | Sad1 | |
:099: | 099 | |
:icon_brilsmurf: | Icon Brilsmurf | |
:FlameHeart_KVL47Z: | FlameHeart KVL47Z | |
:smileinbox: | Smileinbox | |
:angel5: | Angel5 | |
:icon_profileleft: | Icon Profileleft | |
:002: | 002 | |
:pjrlaugh_61OD3G: | Pjrlaugh 61OD3G | |
:gay: | Gay | |
:toothy3: | Toothy3 | |
:brave: | Brave | |
:idea1: | Idea1 | |
:035: | 035 | |
:smilies0946: | Smilies0946 | |
:fing06: | Fing06 | |
:aska[1]: | Aska[1] | |
:dark1: | Dark1 | |
:love4: | Love4 | |
:056: | 056 | |
:ignore: | Ignore | |
:fing37: | Fing37 | |
:evil1: | Evil1 | |
:pottytrain1: | Pottytrain1 | |
:088: | 088 | |
:rtfmninja: | rtfmninja | |
:hmh: | Hmh | |
:support: | Support | |
:happy7: | Happy7 | |
:sign4: | Sign4 | |
:120: | 120 | |
:icon_joker: | Icon Joker | |
:o | Embarrassment | |
:Tennis_ABHMXO: | Tennis ABHMXO | |
:applause: | Applause | |
:tongue5: | Tongue5 | |
:blob3: | Blob3 | |
:icon_smurfin: | Icon Smurfin | |
:024: | 024 | |
:hismiley: | Hismiley | |
:bigwink: | Bigwink | |
:fight: | fighting | |
:digging: | Digging | |
:luv[1]: | Luv[1] | |
:evil: | Evil | |
:occasion13: | Occasion13 | |
:077: | 077 | |
:gsmile: | green smile | |
:happybday2: | Happybday2 | |
:glasses9: | Glasses9 | |
:sad9: | Sad9 | |
:109: | 109 | |
:icon_cry: | Icon Cry | |
:LoveCamp_217RFB: | LoveCamp 217RFB | |
:spanking[1]: | Spanking[1] | |
:tear: | Tear | |
:angry6: | Angry6 | |
:icon_rolleyes: | Icon Rolleyes | |
:013: | 013 | |
:blahblah: | Blahblah | |
:rocketwhore: | Rocketwhore | |
:violent1: | Violent1 | |
:confused1: | Confused1 | |
:laughing4: | Laughing4 | |
:045: | 045 | |
:grouphug[1]: | Grouphug[1] | |
:duckie: | Duckie | |
:merror: | Merror | |
:066: | 066 | |
:porn: | watch porn | |
:catfight: | Catfight | |
:fucyc: | Fucyc | |
:retard: | Retard | |
:098: | 098 | |
:icon_bounce: | Icon Bounce | |
:Driving_6XFY3G: | Driving 6XFY3G | |
:slywink: | Slywink | |
:angel4: | Angel4 | |
:icon_porc: | Icon Porc | |
:001: | 001 | |
:pjrflash_Q2CCBE: | Pjrflash Q2CCBE | |
:firework: | Firework | |
:toothy2: | Toothy2 | |
:boxing: | Boxing | |
:idea: | Idea | |
:034: | 034 | |
:smilies0979: | Smilies0979 | |
:darth: | Darth | |
:wrongforum: | Aawrongforum[1] | |
:cya: | Cya | |
:love3: | Love3 | |
:055: | 055 | |
:bienvenido: | bienvenido | |
:driver: | Driver | |
:rofl[1]: | Rofl[1] | |
:eusa_whistle: | Eusa Whistle | |
:paranoid: | Paranoid | |
:087: | 087 | |
:rolltfl: | rolltfl | |
:hippy2: | Hippy2 | |
:soapbox: | Soapbox | |
:happy6: | Happy6 | |
:sign2: | Sign2 | |
:119: | 119 | |
:icon_idea: | Icon Idea | |
:) | Smile | |
:Suspicious_DXD5FP: | Suspicious DXD5FP | |
:3some: | 3some | |
:tongue4: | Tongue4 | |
:blob10: | Blob10 | |
:icon_smurf: | Icon Smurf | |
:023: | 023 | |
:smilies0948: | Smilies0948 | |
:chevil | chevil | |
:family: | Family | |
:lovers[1]: | Lovers[1] | |
:eusa_liar: | Eusa Liar | |
:occasion1: | Occasion1 | |
:076: | 076 | |
:errrr: | errr | |
:grouphug5: | Grouphug5 | |
:glasses8: | Glasses8 | |
:sad8: | Sad8 | |
:108: | 108 | |
:icon_cool: | Icon Cool | |
:Lollypop_2G1DR4: | Lollypop 2G1DR4 | |
:snooze[1]: | Snooze[1] | |
:tard: | Tard | |
:angry5: | Angry5 | |
:icon_rendeer: | Icon Rendeer | |
:011: | 011 | |
:smilies0349: | Smilies0349 | |
:nutkick: | Nutkick | |
:usa2: | Usa2 | |
:computer: | Computer | |
:laughing3: | Laughing3 | |
:044: | 044 | |
:biggob: | big gob | |
:googly[1]: | Googly[1] | |
:drunken_smilie: | Drunken Smilie | |
:mblah05: | Mblah05 | |
:065: | 065 | |
:box: | boxer | |
:bricks: | Bricks | |
:fish: | Fish | |
:read2: | Read2 | |
:097: | 097 | |
:icon_blackeye: | Icon Blackeye | |
:BaseballHat_LNY2EG: | BaseballHat LNY2EG | |
:sleepy7: | Sleepy7 | |
:angel3: | Angel3 | |
:icon_pirat: | Icon Pirat | |
:( | Frown | |
:YellowWow_KKPB92: | YellowWow KKPB92 | |
:fairy: | Fairy | |
:toothy12: | Toothy12 | |
:bootyshake: | Bootyshake | |
:icon_wink: | Icon Wink | |
:033: | 033 | |
:smilies0346: | Smilies0346 | |
:chairfall: | Chairfall | |
:cwm21: | Cwm21 | |
:love2: | Love2 | |
:054: | 054 | |
:YouRock: | You Rock | |
:wicked01: | Wicked01 | |
:rip[2]: | Rip[2] | |
:eusa_wall: | Eusa Wall | |
:pain10: | Pain10 | |
:086: | 086 | |
:popcorn2: | popcorn | |
:hiding: | Hiding | |
:smilielol: | Smilielol | |
:happy5: | Happy5 | |
:sign19: | Sign19 | |
:118: | 118 | |
:icon_geek: | Icon Geek | |
:SpinHappy_15XK8L: | SpinHappy 15XK8L | |
:jumping0006: | Jumping0006 | |
:tongue3: | Tongue3 | |
:blob1: | Blob1 | |
:icon_smile: | Icon Smile | |
:022: | 022 | |
:smilies0375: | Smilies0375 | |
blowup | blowup | |
:Tosser: | Johnny[1] | |
:redwine: | Redwine | |
:lostthread[1]: | Lostthread[1] | |
:eusa_hand: | Eusa Hand | |
:notworthy: | Notworthy | |
:075: | 075 | |
:cens1: | censored 1 | |
:gbxtank: | Gbxtank | |
:glasses7: | Glasses7 | |
:sad7: | Sad7 | |
:107: | 107 | |
:icon_confused: | Icon Confused | |
:Knitting_22PFUP: | Knitting 22PFUP | |
:smile[2]: | Smile[2] | |
:sunny: | Sunny | |
:angry4: | Angry4 | |
:icon_redface: | Icon Redface | |
:010: | 010 | |
:smilies0974: | Smilies0974 | |
:nana: | Nana | |
:unibrow: | Unibrow | |
:color: | Color | |
:laughing11: | Laughing11 | |
:043: | 043 | |
:660: | Forum Logo | |
:drool[1]: | Drool[1] | |
:drool: | Drool | |
:male: | Male | |
:064: | 064 | |
:hcrap: | Holy crap | |
:break: | Break | |
:finger: | Finger | |
:read: | Read | |
:096: | 096 | |
:icon_bigsmurf: | Icon Bigsmurf | |
:ytiller: | Ytiller | |
:sleepy5: | Sleepy5 | |
:angel2: | Angel2 | |
:icon_pale: | Icon Pale | |
:confused: | Confused | |
:YellowWink_VZHUX5: | YellowWink VZHUX5 | |
:eek2: | Eek2 | |
:toothy11: | Toothy11 | |
:booty: | Booty | |
:icon_twisted: | Icon Twisted | |
:032: | 032 | |
:smilies0983: | Smilies0983 | |
:3chat: | 3chat | |
:love10: | Love10 | |
:053: | 053 | |
:whipit: | whip it | |
:infant: | Infant | |
:postwhore[1]: | Postwhore[1] | |
:eusa_think: | Eusa Think | |
:offtheair: | Offtheair | |
:085: | 085 | |
:nothing2add: | nothing | |
:help: | Help | |
:signthankspin: | Signthankspin | |
:happy4: | Happy4 | |
:sign18: | Sign18 | |
:117: | 117 | |
:icon_frown: | Icon Frown | |
:Speedy_Superhero_Q3 | Speedy Superhero Q34CDZ | |
:weathermanf4[1]: | Weathermanf4[1] | |
:tongue2: | Tongue2 | |
:binkybaby: | Binkybaby | |
:icon_silent: | Icon Silent | |
:021: | 021 | |
:smilies0976: | Smilies0976 | |
bigwink | bigwink | |
:kneel: | 76[1] | |
:cwm10: | Cwm10 | |
:loo: | Loo | |
:llorando[1]: | Llorando[1] | |
:eusa_eh: | Eusa Eh | |
:nono: | Nono | |
:074: | 074 | |
:bump: | bump | |
:gayrepost: | Gayrepost | |
:glasses6: | Glasses6 | |
:sad6: | Sad6 | |
:106: | 106 | |
:icon_compress: | Icon Compress | |
:Itching_KFKKYE: | Itching KFKKYE | |
:sick[1]: | Sick[1] | |
:stop: | Stop | |
:angry3: | Angry3 | |
:icon_razz: | Icon Razz | |
:009: | 009 | |
:smilies0947: | Smilies0947 | |
:moon: | Moon | |
:tweety: | Tweety | |
:coffee2: | Coffee2 | |
:laughing1: | Laughing1 | |
:042: | 042 | |
:smilies0134: | Smilies0134 | |
:devil[1]: | Devil[1] | |
:downtown: | Downtown | |
:lurk: | Lurk | |
:063: | 063 | |
:violin: | violin | |
:bowling: | Bowling | |
:female: | Female | |
:question: | Question | |
:095: | 095 | |
:icon_biggrin: | Icon Biggrin | |
:yahoo: | Yahoo | |
:sleepy4: | Sleepy4 | |
:angel13: | Angel13 | |
:icon_neutral: | Icon Neutral | |
:YellowCrazy_J8GDC6: | YellowCrazy J8GDC6 | |
:ebay: | Ebay | |
:toothy10: | Toothy10 | |
:book1: | Book1 | |
:icon_tongue: | Icon Tongue | |
:031: | 031 | |
:smilies0347: | Smilies0347 | |
:50: | 50 | |
:love1: | Love1 | |
:052: | 052 | |
:violence: | violence | |
:onetequila: | Onetequila | |
:owned[1]: | Owned[1] | |
:eusa_snooty: | Eusa Snooty | |
:occasion6: | Occasion6 | |
:084: | 084 | |
:nospamhere: | nospamhere | |
:hello2: | Hello2 | |
:runaway: | Runaway | |
:happy3: | Happy3 | |
:sign17: | Sign17 | |
:116: | 116 | |
:icon_flower: | Icon Flower | |
:SoBored_YGAAH7: | SoBored YGAAH7 | |
:typing[1]: | Typing[1] | |
:tongue11: | Tongue11 | |
:BangHead: | BangHead | |
:icon_shaking2: | Icon Shaking2 | |
:020: | 020 | |
:smilies0119: | Smilies0119 | |
:pics now: | We need pictures | |
:whip2: | Whip2 | |
:cussing: | Cussing | |
:fing23: | Fing23 | |
:ldiw[1]: | Ldiw[1] | |
:eusa_drool: | Eusa Drool | |
:nod: | Nod | |
:073: | 073 | |
:brkn: | broken | |
:emoticons: | Emoticons | |
:glasses3: | Glasses3 | |
:sad5: | Sad5 | |
:105: | 105 | |
:icon_colors: | Icon Colors | |
:HeyHey_GOO2MN: | HeyHey GOO2MN | |
:shave[1]: | Shave[1] | |
:stfu: | Stfu | |
:angry2: | Angry2 | |
:icon_rabbit: | Icon Rabbit | |
:008: | 008 | |
:bath: | Bath | |
:missing: | Missing | |
:tshirt: | Tshirt | |
:coffee: | Coffee | |
:la: | La | |
:041: | 041 | |
:hae18: | Hae18 | |
:deathmetal[1]: | Deathmetal[1] | |
:dontknow: | Dontknow | |
:lovestory: | Lovestory | |
:062: | 062 | |
:coat: | Get me coat | |
:bounce016: | Bounce016 | |
:fart: | Fart | |
:puke: | Puke | |
:094: | 094 | |
:wtfk: | wtfk | |
:icon_arrow: | Icon Arrow | |
:wub: | Wub | |
:sleepy3: | Sleepy3 | |
:angel12: | Angel12 | |
:icon_mrgreen: | Icon Mrgreen | |
:mad: | Mad | |
:Worship_9TRHEA: | Worship 9TRHEA | |
:dinner: | Dinner | |
:toothy1: | Toothy1 | |
:bom: | Bom | |
:icon_thumright: | Icon Thumright | |
:030: | 030 | |
:smilies0225: | Smilies0225 | |
:campfire: | Campfire | |
:lol: | Lol | |
:051: | 051 | |
:thumbleweed: | thumbleweed | |
:poke1: | Poke1 | |
:notworthy[1]: | Notworthy[1] | |
:eusa_silenced: | Eusa Silenced | |
:occasion5: | Occasion5 | |
:083: | 083 | |
:newhere: | new here | |
:hello: | Hello | |
:rtfm: | Rtfm | |
:happy2: | Happy2 | |
:sign16: | Sign16 | |
:115: | 115 | |
:icon_farao: | Icon Farao | |
:Pyshic_C5UYG8: | Pyshic C5UYG8 | |
:tongue[1]: | Tongue[1] | |
:tongue1: | Tongue1 | |
:arrow: | Arrow | |
:icon_shaking: | Icon Shaking | |
:019: | 019 | |
:smilies0330: | Smilies0330 | |
:nos: | Nos | |
:wave: | Wave | |
:crybaby2: | Crybaby2 | |
:sbike: | Sbike | |
:incon_aargh[1]: | Incon Aargh[1] | |
:eusa_doh: | Eusa Doh | |
:ninja: | Ninja | |
:072: | 072 | |
:ne1: | Anyone | |
:emot-words: | Emot Words | |
:glasses2: | Glasses2 | |
:sad4: | Sad4 | |
:104: | 104 | |
:icon_clown: | Icon Clown | |
:HappyRoll_ANPIUI: | HappyRoll ANPIUI | |
:seasaw: | Seasaw | |
:spam4: | Spam4 | |
:angry1: | Angry1 | |
:icon_question: | Icon Question | |
:007: | 007 | |
:smilies0337: | Smilies0337 | |
:luuurve: | Luuurve | |
:triplets: | Triplets | |
:clock: | Clock | |
:ky: | Ky | |
:040: | 040 | |
:smilies0944: | Smilies0944 | |
:rolleyes: | Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) | |
:cool: | Cool | |
:eek: | EEK! |