Thread: DNA Stage 2
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Old 15-07-06, 14:39
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Originally Posted by Pingu
Hi all. I was going to buy some new end cans and a K & N filter for my XT but I have read good reports about the DNA Stage 2 thingy. However, if I have my info correct, you MUST have the fuel injection re-mapped or whatever you call it if you have the DNA but you don't need to do anything with the K & N even if you have new cans too. Is this correct? The problem is, living in North Norfolk, there isn't anyone around here that I can find who can set it up for me. Do you think I should go cans and K & N which seems the least hassle or is the DNA that much better than the K & N that it is worth the extra effort to find someone to set it up? Also, with the DNA Stage 2 filter cover thingy, do you need a DNA filter as well as the cover as that's how it reads on their website? I don't fancy doing the Kev Mod as I am hopeless with electrical stuff and I prefer to leave things as standard as possible, with the exception of cans and filter, that is! Any advice will be much appreciated, and also many thanks to f1camardo for all your help.

Thank you!
Pingu, let me explain:

inside the airbox there is only one filter. ok?
looks like this:

now when you replace that filter for either a K&N or DNA high flow, it doesn't makes any difference which one of these you choose they are equally good the only difference is in the sticker that comes with it, really! When you fit one of these two, ideally you wouldn't need to do any adjustment to the fuelling but of course as these are high flow filters, you might require a little more juice as they breath more and faster meaning they have to be compensated with more fuel to be burnt or else you'll be running slighlty leaner than required.

Now... DNA recently designed a STAGE 2 filter that is basically a replacement of your Air Box panel which consists of the panel itself, being totally replaced with a ported filter which gives the bike an extra lung, so to speak, allowing twice the breathing possibility and twice the performance (i do declare!!). this DNA stage 2 looks like this:

When you fit this filter to your bike, you would definately need you to adjust the CO levels on your dash which is done following these instructions:

Finally if you have a power commander fitted it is highly recomended that you adjust the mapping (which if you know how to - using the 3 buttons on your power commander - you can do yourself as I did) to allow for an increased fuelling.

Hope this will help you and all the other who are perplexed with the same battling concept.

any further questions ask me or Kev (preferrably) as he is the real mechanic, while I am just talking from personal experience with these same problems.

Last edited by CaptMoto; 15-07-06 at 17:21.