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  # 21  
Old 05-03-09, 22:22
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Originally Posted by peach View Post
Stripped the bike this morning, all panels, fuel tank, clocks.

Pulled, cleaned and continuity tested every connector as per the service manual. Connectors under the tank were clean. Connectors to the left were filthy externally and one or two green spots internally. Optimate says the battery is good. Checked the diagnostics as per the service manual.

Put it all back together, started first time. Go figure!?

Will hosepipe it on the weekend and see what happens...
Lets hope that was the problem, it sure sounds like you found a resistance problem.
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Mods that I have done to my XTX's

My 04 XTX
Stage 1 & 2 DNA filters / Kev fuel mod / snorkel mod / Drilled air box mod / Engine breather mod / Fork Spacer mod / 15w fork oil /
My 07 XTX
Raptor 700 cylinder 102mm / Modified Crank Case to take a 105mm Raptor Cylinder / 11:1 102mm JE Raptor piston / Stage 1 Raptor Hot Cam / Ported head / Colder Spark Plug / +2mm Throttle body / DNA stage 1 & 2 filters / Modified Air Box / Snorkel removed / Worry Brothers stage 2 filter cover / 6mm & 8mm Bolts Replaced with Titanium Bolts / Recovered seat in Black / O2 Eliminator /

My 09 XTX
59HP at the rear wheel / Stage 2 Raptor Hot Cam / DNA stage 3 Air Box / Carbon Can Exhausts / Modified Exhaust Link Pipes / PCIII With Custom Fuel Map / Wideband Commander O2 Data logger / LCD100 Dyno Jet display & fuel adjuster / 2500 OHM HT lead instead of a 10K OHM XT lead / Extra Coolant Cooler / Protaper Fat Bars / Tail Tidy With LED Tail Light / OKE Protection Knobs / LED indicators / AIS blocked / Modified rear sprocket rubbers / Rear Foot Pegs removed / 09 ECU With 02 Sensor Changed To A 06 ECU / Complete wiring harnes Changed from 09 to 04 / Home made LED resistor flasher / Hole drilled in the fuel tank filler neck to allow quicker filling / Modified Bar End Weights / Progressive front fork springs, 15W fork oil, forks lowered 25mm, used XTR rear links lowering the rear 20mm, rear spring one click stiffer / Changed front & rear guards from blue to black / 47T rear sprocket / Speedo Healer V4.0 / Kev throttle cam mod / Throttle grip mod / The new 2010 O2 sensor mod is out, works a treat, The new 2012 O2 Controller is out, PM me for details

Now ride a 2018 MT09SP ABS + TCS

My KTM 990 SMR Mod book. http://www.ktmsmt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4946

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  # 22  
Old 06-03-09, 10:01
peach peach is offline
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Current symptoms are when starting from cold it takes a few seconds before it catches. If left to idle on it's own it will stall, then take a few attempts before it will start again. If you blip the throttle it almost stalls then slowly the revs pick up.

Appears ok when warm except for the fact that it now surges between 55 and 65 mph, sometimes quite badly, similar to pulling the clutch in then letting it out non too gently!

ECU bad?
  # 23  
Old 06-03-09, 10:22
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Take it to a dealer ,sounds like tps or faulty ecu ,otherwise subscibe here and you will have access to "ask Kev" he will help ,but as captmoto has previously stated that it is unfair to those who subscribe if Kev helps out on the general forum

I havent subscibed myself this year ,but will be doing so very soon as there are other benefits including the manual download which is VERY VERY helpfull and that would cost you more than a subsciption normally

Good luck and hope you get it sorted soon

Dont forget if your in swansea give us a shout

  # 24  
Old 11-03-09, 15:35
peach peach is offline
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Latest update. Having eventually got the bike to start this morning it cut out then restarted whilst taking the bike to the dealers. This wouldn't have been too bad except that I was going around a corner at the time. End result was that it highsided me out of the seat and with my feet off the pegs in true superman style I crossed the on coming lane of traffic. Fortunately lady in Mondeo was quick enough to stop and I managed to gain control and stop after mounting the kerb.

Surfice to say I wasn't that impressed!

Amusingly (it is now) the RAC (or Yamaha Assist) insisted that they would not take the bike straight to Fowlers but instead they would attempt to fix the issue. The patrol man who arrived was soon under no illusion that the he was taking the bike straight to Fowlers. Having taken me back to the house I followed on my DR.

Fowlers apparently have no record of my bike, nor the two services they have performed, nor the fact that they sold it to me less than eight months ago. As if on que the Yamaha sales person walked past and cheerfully asked how the bike was going. Quite possibly the biggest mistake he's ever made. :-)

Having rebooked the bike for Fri, the icing on the cake was the technician who on presenting me with the sign in form stated "I couldn't check it in properly because it doesn't start".

And breathe...
  # 25  
Old 11-03-09, 16:56
maxwell123455 maxwell123455 is offline
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sounds like these people are really pissing you about.

I know its easy to say as its not happening to me, but i would say have your bike, when you can fix it i'll have it back, but for now its not working sort it.

and leave it at that.

Ive read of a few people that yamaha basically didnt want to know until they just left there bike there and said its not working sort it!! and then the dealer had a problem so had to fix it.
Plough on
  # 26  
Old 16-03-09, 18:33
peach peach is offline
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Technician from the dealer got back to me today, as they didn't get to look at it on Friday.

They're replacing the clocks and entire wiring harness under warranty as they're badly corroded internally. Water ingress into the back of the clocks via the connector, the right hand switch block (hence issues starting), wiring harness connectors at left of fuel tank and relays.

Bikes never been pressure washed by myself but I do use it Mon to Fri every week for the last eight months.

At least I have way forward. :-)
  # 27  
Old 16-03-09, 21:48
maxwell123455 maxwell123455 is offline
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Good job your getting it changed under warrenty.

My bike was out of warrenty when the kill switch cable corroded through on the left side set of electric blocks. I got it fixed at my own cost but the other connects etc arent the best and at this moment i cant seem to find heat shrink to place on the cables big enough so i dont have to cut the connectors off.

For others i made up a piece of rubber with a few cable ties to hopefully help stop the wetter getting into the cables. It just sits in front of the tank where the front goes in and is only loosely placed in so as when the bar moves in and out it doesnt restrict it. Will post a piccy laters.
Plough on
  # 28  
Old 16-03-09, 21:52
hod0017 hod0017 is offline
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17 months now second hand xt660r '04 13.000 from me and 10.000 from the previous owner no trouble at all !
Back in stock!!!
XT660R '04 Black
  # 29  
Old 16-03-09, 22:28
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Lets hope this will fix it & you can enjoy a trouble free bike.
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Mods that I have done to my XTX's

My 04 XTX
Stage 1 & 2 DNA filters / Kev fuel mod / snorkel mod / Drilled air box mod / Engine breather mod / Fork Spacer mod / 15w fork oil /
My 07 XTX
Raptor 700 cylinder 102mm / Modified Crank Case to take a 105mm Raptor Cylinder / 11:1 102mm JE Raptor piston / Stage 1 Raptor Hot Cam / Ported head / Colder Spark Plug / +2mm Throttle body / DNA stage 1 & 2 filters / Modified Air Box / Snorkel removed / Worry Brothers stage 2 filter cover / 6mm & 8mm Bolts Replaced with Titanium Bolts / Recovered seat in Black / O2 Eliminator /

My 09 XTX
59HP at the rear wheel / Stage 2 Raptor Hot Cam / DNA stage 3 Air Box / Carbon Can Exhausts / Modified Exhaust Link Pipes / PCIII With Custom Fuel Map / Wideband Commander O2 Data logger / LCD100 Dyno Jet display & fuel adjuster / 2500 OHM HT lead instead of a 10K OHM XT lead / Extra Coolant Cooler / Protaper Fat Bars / Tail Tidy With LED Tail Light / OKE Protection Knobs / LED indicators / AIS blocked / Modified rear sprocket rubbers / Rear Foot Pegs removed / 09 ECU With 02 Sensor Changed To A 06 ECU / Complete wiring harnes Changed from 09 to 04 / Home made LED resistor flasher / Hole drilled in the fuel tank filler neck to allow quicker filling / Modified Bar End Weights / Progressive front fork springs, 15W fork oil, forks lowered 25mm, used XTR rear links lowering the rear 20mm, rear spring one click stiffer / Changed front & rear guards from blue to black / 47T rear sprocket / Speedo Healer V4.0 / Kev throttle cam mod / Throttle grip mod / The new 2010 O2 sensor mod is out, works a treat, The new 2012 O2 Controller is out, PM me for details

Now ride a 2018 MT09SP ABS + TCS

My KTM 990 SMR Mod book. http://www.ktmsmt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4946

  # 30  
Old 25-03-09, 16:40
peach peach is offline
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Originally Posted by maxwell123455 View Post
Good job your getting it changed under warrenty.

My bike was out of warrenty when the kill switch cable corroded through on the left side set of electric blocks. I got it fixed at my own cost but the other connects etc arent the best and at this moment i cant seem to find heat shrink to place on the cables big enough so i dont have to cut the connectors off.

For others i made up a piece of rubber with a few cable ties to hopefully help stop the wetter getting into the cables. It just sits in front of the tank where the front goes in and is only loosely placed in so as when the bar moves in and out it doesnt restrict it. Will post a piccy laters.
Hello Maxwell123455.

Try Silicone Rescue tape, when you put it under tension it melts into itself forming a watertight seal. No need to remove the connectors... Hope this helps?


Bike still with the dealer, I'm starting to think they're making the harness themselves... ;-)

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