Hello, thanks for the ad. Ive just bought my first bike which happens to be an xt660x, always like the look of them. Ive been riding Vespas and lambrettas since I was 16. (Now 45😑

but the commute from witney to Oxford I do everyday is getting tiresome on my scoots with small fuel tank , large potholes and ever busy traffic. So...... on Sunday I take my 06 xtx out for a pre commute ride. Disaster after 4/5 miles.. red light comes on then after 1/4 mile the bike dies. Luckily near a pub🙂. So I have a cup of tea and have a think . Right... my better half brings out a new battery, bike fires into life and get home. I put a test on battery terminals on tick over ( and low revs)and it stays at 12v so its not charging🙁. Do test on regulator =seems fine. Must be stator????? Any help: advice would be appreciated........ cheers Barney.