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  # 1  
Old 06-10-14, 03:36
ThunderDownUnder ThunderDownUnder is offline
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Michelin T63's fitted

After having these in my garage for almost a year I but the bullet and had the T63's fitted to my "R".


These have replaced the Metzler Tourance which have done about 6,000k's and can probably do another 4.

I went for the T63's because they have the road/bitumen rating.

Took it for a very cautious ride as they are still covered in the original film and was expecting it to feel pretty bumpy but surprisingly it didn't feel to bad.

There's lots of reviews on these tyres, some good some not so good as you will expect with any tyre reviews...

Right now they certainly look good and I cant wait to take them for a ride in the hills in a weeks time.

Wanted to attach some pics but it seems I cant post pics anymore....?


Last edited by ThunderDownUnder; 06-10-14 at 03:55.
  # 2  
Old 09-10-14, 22:08
assenvas assenvas is offline
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Look a lot like TKCs
Please share some experience as soon as you can this will be valuable
that is how i feel about my XTR
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Old 20-10-14, 06:13
ThunderDownUnder ThunderDownUnder is offline
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Michelin T63 Feedback

Last weekend I took the XTR out for the first time with the new T63's

I planned a 100km approx loop of mostly gravel mountain roads

It took me about 15 minutes to get the confidence up but once on the go... Well.... Let me tell you... The T63's are MUCH more confident inspiring then the Metzler's

I started on 28/30 F/R and after about 20ks dropped to 25/27. I will expirement with lower pressures even more next time.

The difference is like chalk and cheese.. !! I was by myself in the mountains so I didn't want to risk coming off but was certainly a lot more confident.

It was a hot dry day so mostly dry sandy tracks but the extra grip is definitely noticeable.

About 15ks was on bitumen and initilally I took it easy but after a while I was pushing them more and more. We're not talking full lean here but you obviously ride accordingly.

In conclusion: Given the type of riding I plan on doing - Mountain roads and Tracks I was very happy and the tyres certainly improved my confidence.

I am sure there are more aggresive tyres but I wanted a DOT approved tyre and in the right size. 130/80/17 Rear & 90/90/21 Fr

The bike certainly looks the goods

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Old 20-10-14, 09:33
mb4807 mb4807 is offline
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A friend of mine put a pair on for a 1300km trip we did a couple of weeks back. That was 60 to 70 percent off road, on firm, stony tracks and the rest on road. My friend rides pretty hard, especially off road and the tyres are now very, very worn. The rear very quickly rounded off and started to wear. I'd say it's only got another 1000km left in it at most. The front will last a lot longer, but is also quite worn.

Generally, he liked the tyres and they performed pretty well on the road, but they do seem to wear fast. Another friend was on Pirelli MT21's and although they wore quite quickly too, it seems to be at a slower rate.

I've come to the conclusion though that XTs are hard on rear tyres. Even my Heidenau K60 Scout wore heavily on that trip, way more so than the same tyre on the same trip last year when I was riding a BMW GS.
  # 5  
Old 21-10-14, 00:21
Temagogrod Temagogrod is offline
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Nice feedback on the T63's. Certainly know all about the Tourance. Went for a ride fairly similar to your 100km loop. Forestry trails with some nasty rocks and steep climbs. I have ridden this several times, but I should've stayed in bed this time around. I ran 22/20 and I've tried the entire range of pressures and my conclusion is that there's no noticeable benefit departing from the recommended pressure with the Tourance. 15 min in I was on the ground. 5 min later I was on the ground again. Another 10 min later I was sliding backwards down a hill on the ground again. To cap it off, I went down a forth time because I was completely zapped of confidence and riding like a grandmother. Today I feel like I played footy on the weekend. I don't mind the Tourance on the road, but it's horses for courses. Clearly, the answer is two sets of rims.

Aren't the T63's and Mitas E09's pretty much the same?
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Old 21-10-14, 09:20
ChrisHX ChrisHX is offline
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Originally Posted by Temagogrod View Post

Aren't the T63's and Mitas E09's pretty much the same?
They certainly look very similar. I've been using Mitas tyres for last few years after moving away from Tourances, E07 are a great general purpose road/light off road tyre but those E09/T63s look the business
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Old 21-10-14, 13:07
ThunderDownUnder ThunderDownUnder is offline
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Metzler etc...

When I had the T63's fitted I asked the shop to give me back the Metzlers.. Thinking that I may one day use them...haha

I didn't realise it at the time MB4807 but I checked the Metzlers again and the rear is probably about almost gone whilst the front still seems OK... Maybe 1/2 worn.

Temagogrod - I can certainly feel your pain there. I had a similar experience on my first dirt bike that I fitted "Dual Purpose" tyres to...

I have decided that there's no such thing as DUAL PURPOSE... Its either one or the other hence why I finally fitted the T63's

Any way - I am eagerly planning my next trip.


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Old 21-10-14, 21:24
majland majland is offline
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Originally Posted by ThunderDownUnder View Post
I have decided that there's no such thing as DUAL PURPOSE... Its either one or the other hence why I finally fitted the T63's
Back in the summer i fitted Michelin T63 for a few days on gravel. It worked pretty well for me. The bite is also ok on tarmac and i just take the roundabouts a bit easy in the cold and wet autum weather. Besides the first weekend ride most has been commuting. I've done ~5000km on them and the rear is down to ~5mm so not much use off road.

I've only had T63 on my old super tenere once. They only laster 8750km when it lost some of the knobbies after highway riding.

I think my next time tire will be a road tyre. Thinking of the Heidenau K60 since i do very little offroad and in my experience it ok on firm gravel, but not in loose or on the beach.
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Old 26-01-15, 23:09
ThunderDownUnder ThunderDownUnder is offline
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Michelin T63 Bitumen Feedback

Last week I commuted to work a few days on the XT (80km round trip) and the T63's performed well.

They are no nosier then the Metzlers and actually track BETTER on the grooves.

That said I've been taking the corners gently as you can certainly feel the edges dont grip any where near a road tyre.

Someone asked earlier "What are Knobbys really like" ?

* From a "Feel" point of view - I find very little difference to the Metzlers
* From a "Grip" point of view - In the dry - they're fine.. Im too chicken to try them in the wet
* Looks - The BEEZ KNEEZ... :-)
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Old 03-06-16, 01:58
ThunderDownUnder ThunderDownUnder is offline
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Michelin T63 Update after 4,000Kms

Hi all

I've had the T63's on for about 4000Km's now and I am impressed with them.

To date I have done about 2000km off road and the same on road.

When I originally fitted them I was sceptical about riding them on the bitumen but now I can honestly say that their road performance is better then the stock Metzler's.

They still have about 60+% tread on them although riding on the bitumen is wearing the centre a bit more then the edges.

On road they handle well in all conditions. They are a little noisier then a road tyre but that's to be expected with a Knobby.

Off road they performed well in most conditions except very deep muddy clay..... On gravel they inspired much more confidence then the Metzlers.

So... I will buy another set when they wear out.



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