Nice feedback on the T63's. Certainly know all about the Tourance. Went for a ride fairly similar to your 100km loop. Forestry trails with some nasty rocks and steep climbs. I have ridden this several times, but I should've stayed in bed this time around. I ran 22/20 and I've tried the entire range of pressures and my conclusion is that there's no noticeable benefit departing from the recommended pressure with the Tourance. 15 min in I was on the ground. 5 min later I was on the ground again. Another 10 min later I was sliding backwards down a hill on the ground again. To cap it off, I went down a forth time because I was completely zapped of confidence and riding like a grandmother. Today I feel like I played footy on the weekend. I don't mind the Tourance on the road, but it's horses for courses. Clearly, the answer is two sets of rims.
Aren't the T63's and Mitas E09's pretty much the same?