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  # 1  
Old 15-02-14, 23:02
Dev-vers Dev-vers is offline
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Angry Reluctant to turn.....

How do all,
Had my 660ten for about a month now and had a nagging feeling about the steering. Breaking into corners the bike initially feels reluctant to turn and then just goes. ah ah HEAD BEARING I hear you shout. That's what I thought, having just done these on my FJR I thought practice makes perfect. started striping the front end and got as far as the front wheel...One of the wheel bearings was MISSING....I'm having a local dealer fit new ones and am waiting for a response from where I bought the bike....Just thought I'd share.
Have a nice day
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Old 15-02-14, 23:21
jon660z jon660z is offline
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Missing?? Where did the bike come from so I know never EVER to shop there, I'm surprised the wheel would even turn with a missing bearing.

The Ten front wheel does have one wheel bearing set in further on one side than the other, not sure why. But the wheel spacers are different sizes to compensate.

Hope you get it sorted.
To boldly go where no Tenere has gone before.
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Old 15-02-14, 23:44
Dev-vers Dev-vers is offline
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Shouldn't be left unsupervised

********.....You know that moment where someone says something in passing and you think to yourself I've made a complete ******** of myself, I wonder if anyone will notice....just had that moment...the bearing is there and I've just had to send a grovelling email to apologise to the dealer....Head bearings it is then.....Don't laugh to much.
  # 4  
Old 16-02-14, 01:25
Petenz Petenz is offline
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You are the first that I have read that picked up this little issue...
I have commented on how my XTR was reluctent to turn in
a few times....
I made mine better by droping the forks though the clamps 15 to 20mm..
The Xt's are set up to be quite stable & track stright on lose surfaces..
Droping the forks though reduces the rake & trail..
But they are not quite as stable.. but no more than any other dirt bike..

Another thing that dosn't help is not having the sags set right , so the
bike is rideing high on its suspenion with the riders weight on the bike..
alot of people think it needs to sit near the top of it's travel.... is incorrect..
Suspenion needs travel in both directions...sag should be 75/80mm
"1/3 of the travel" for a XT when seated on the bike..
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Old 16-02-14, 09:53
jon660z jon660z is offline
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Originally Posted by Dev-vers View Post

********.....You know that moment where someone says something in passing and you think to yourself I've made a complete ******** of myself, I wonder if anyone will notice....just had that moment...the bearing is there and I've just had to send a grovelling email to apologise to the dealer....Head bearings it is then.....Don't laugh to much.
No laughing here I thought exactly the same when I first.removed my front wheel, I don't think the hub is symmetrical, the casting is deeper on one side. Probably to make it easier to know which way in the wheel goes. But I'm no expert lmao I even tried to put the extra.bearing in lol, but it all wouldn't fit back in the forks then I realised.

Just done the head bearings in my ten they were as dry as ghandi's flipflops so I'm not surprised they don't last. Mine wouldn't ride in a straight line. As the bearing was so badly pitted around the centre of the steering range.

And like Patenz says getting the sag set correctly is crucial, I adjust the preloaded.on my shock and forks daily depending on whether I have pillion. Doing motorway or green lanes, but I'm just fussy bout suspension haha.

Hope you get it sorted.
To boldly go where no Tenere has gone before.

Last edited by jon660z; 16-02-14 at 23:39.
  # 6  
Old 16-02-14, 17:03
Mort Mort is offline
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If the rear end has bean lowered and the front stande d it will handle like a HARLEY.
  # 7  
Old 16-02-14, 20:52
Dev-vers Dev-vers is offline
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I don't feel to bad, just changed the head bearing hope that cures the problem, test ride tomorrow, I'll have a look at the suspension set up awaiting weekend.

two days of work and back only about 60 miles...steering is bob on...nice and smooth...I'm a very happy bunny...dna stuff arrived today.. just waiting on kevs O2 and fuel mod and jobs a good un..

Last edited by Dev-vers; 18-02-14 at 21:22. Reason: additional information

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