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  # 1  
Old 07-12-13, 17:32
weeksy weeksy is offline
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PC3, O2 sensor, clutch and brake levers, stage 1&2 install stuff.

HAd a bit of free tie and a bit of fun today with the XT660x.
Started off by stripping the bike down to get the Stage 1 and stage 2 filters fitted, remove the snorkel. Happily i found out that the bike already had a stage 1 K&N filter installed, which means i can return the one i bought for �32 refund... nice.
Along with removing the standard non-adjustable clutch and brake levers, which were replaced with chinese CRG copies.
I then moved onto the power commander 3, this is a bit more involved, removing the tank first, then disconnecting the injector, the TPS etc and getting it all connected back up, then give it an earth and then lastly a bit of sticky backed velcro to go on there to hold it in place in the little luggage bay. IT's not the hardest job on the planet but it's fiddly and to do it right you really need to be taking different little brackets off. I also took the oppertunity to give all of the bits that can't be reached normally a clean and a wipe, removed the tank panels to clean underneath them and the back side of them. So all good.
Next job was the O2 sensor mod, this is an inline placed mod between 2 connectors to stop some of the crappy EU emissions stuff and poor fuelling at lower RPM. This is a total nightmare to get the connector apart, so again, it was tank panel off etc, Grrrr. You need hands like a 5 year old to fit this, sadly i don't have 5 year old hands so i now have hands covered in blood LOL.
Penultimate job was to attempt to fit a set of chain adjusters. These are from a company called Motopike, Yamaha YZFR125 Billet Alloy Chain Adjuster & Crash Bung System by Factory Racing
They're primarily designed for the Yamaha YZR152R, you know the little R1 replica learner bike. But basically there's many many little reasons it simply isn't quite right. The spindle hole too small, the bolt hole incorrect location and the backplate that secures it on the back of swingarm is incorrect. It's a good logic, a good idea... but needs work really.
Final job was cleaning of the undertray, exhaust and a few other little nadgery bits.
All in all it's a decent little bit of work and 4 hours have been spent now sorting it and improving it..

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Old 07-12-13, 17:45
RichW RichW is offline
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Looks like an enjoyable afternoons work - thanks for sharing and let us know how different the bike feels with the new mods
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Old 07-12-13, 17:46
weeksy weeksy is offline
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I will in MArch mate.
  # 4  
Old 11-12-13, 09:50
waynovetten waynovetten is offline
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You haven't done the holes in the airbox and it makes a big difference of course most folk recoil in horror at doing such, drill e'm as per the book and you can buy/fit rubber grommets that pit perfect if you decide to sell.

And when you can afford it chuck the front master cylinder in the bin and try something like this.

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Old 11-12-13, 10:23
weeksy weeksy is offline
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Originally Posted by waynovetten View Post
You haven't done the holes in the airbox and it makes a big difference of course most folk recoil in horror at doing such, drill e'm as per the book and you can buy/fit rubber grommets that pit perfect if you decide to sell.

And when you can afford it chuck the front master cylinder in the bin and try something like this.


How much of a difference ?

Nice master... tempting.. especially as I have �200 in my paypal account at the moment LOL. But I have other bikes and trackdays to book !
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Old 11-12-13, 10:36
SimonRoma SimonRoma is offline
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Looks great, nice pics, thanks for sharing and have fun!!!
(Now sold on, sob) 2011 Blue XT660X with gold wheels, was 26,500 km.
Engine mods: K&N Stage 1 filter, DNA Stage 2 filter, snorkel removed, Kev fuel mod fitted.
Plus: smoked Puig screen, Yam aluminium sump guard, Yamaha / Acerbis handguards, Givi Trekker aluminium side cases, Leo Vince X3 cans plus Kev front fork mod and Fender Xtender. Just fitted Michelin Road Pilot 3 tyres.

SOLD the XTX for a Super Ten 1200. And just bought a Raptor 700 so staying on here for some tips....
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Old 11-12-13, 15:03
waynovetten waynovetten is offline
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Originally Posted by weeksy View Post
How much of a difference ?

Nice master... tempting.. especially as I have �200 in my paypal account at the moment LOL. But I have other bikes and trackdays to book !
Oh more than enough,I did mine step by step because I wanted to be able to work out which each bit did,it came with Akra's but nothing else,put one filter at a time in and used it for a while,then took the snorkel out and the same again,then the Kev fuel mod and ran it like that for some months,took it off and fitted a PC,and after a month put the holes in the airbox,what I have yet to find out is the difference between a pair of Akra's and a modified Metal Mule that's for next year.

Motor wise I'm where I want to be short of buying a 690 Ktoom,changed the front brake both master cylinder and disc,I'll either try and source a Beringer or maybe an original disc!!!,the EBC is boardline at best,but maywell try a change in pads first

Forks through yokes took a couple settings,then went to a Sport Smart on the front and Road smart on the back and it steers like a minimoto.

The bike needs some weight off it and that's work in progress which will also involve some work with the wheels and other things!!,it's getting there!!!.

Nearly forgot!! any options on a quick action throttle??? apart from a double jointed wrist.

Last edited by waynovetten; 11-12-13 at 18:42.
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Old 11-12-13, 15:33
Landton Landton is offline
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Like this?

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Old 11-12-13, 18:44
waynovetten waynovetten is offline
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Well yes and no,Metal Mule hasn't quite got into the 21st century!! but I/we have a lot on over Christmas and the New year so it will have to wait.
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Old 12-12-13, 06:55
Landton Landton is offline
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Ok but this is a OTR exhaust

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