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  # 1  
Old 20-04-13, 21:39
Lebox Lebox is offline
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Bike won't idle

Out for a run today on my XT660R 2006. After about half an hour, she has a couple of little coughs and then cuts out.
The bike has a PCIII , DNA stage 1 and 2 and MTC cans. She has been dyno'd and the A/F is set as good as it going to be.
She starts again and idles for about 20 seconds and then cuts out again.
I have had the tank off and emptied the fuel and will put fresh in tomorrow.
I can hear the fuel pump working ok.
Is there anything else I should be looking for?


  # 2  
Old 20-04-13, 21:41
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Originally Posted by Lebox View Post
Out for a run today on my XT660R 2006. After about half an hour, she has a couple of little coughs and then cuts out.
The bike has a PCIII , DNA stage 1 and 2 and MTC cans. She has been dyno'd and the A/F is set as good as it going to be.
She starts again and idles for about 20 seconds and then cuts out again.
I have had the tank off and emptied the fuel and will put fresh in tomorrow.
I can hear the fuel pump working ok.
Is there anything else I should be looking for?


Look for the trottle body on the left side of the engine, above your gear lever, on the side of the throttle body there is a screw with a spring, give it half a turn and if the bike still cuts out screw it in a little bit more.

That's about it.
  # 3  
Old 21-04-13, 14:46
Lebox Lebox is offline
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Changed the fuel, no joy runs for 20 to 30 seconds and cuts out. Adjusted the screw as Capt described, still the same.
Any other ideas?


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Old 21-04-13, 17:44
bluecoup bluecoup is offline
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Tried it with the petrol cap off ???
you win some, lose some, crash some
K+N filter, snorkel removed, homemade kev mod (with his blessing), co raised,
Pipeworx cans, r1 led back light, under tray removed, small indicators, handguards, cnc short levers,
  # 5  
Old 21-04-13, 20:26
Lebox Lebox is offline
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Tried it with the cap off, still the same.
Had enough for today.
Will look again tomorrow
  # 6  
Old 21-04-13, 21:07
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Ok, this might be a long shot, and I will point Kev to this thread to shed some possible light, but I have a suspicion that if you have carried out all those steps and the bike it's still not idleing then the culprit may well be the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) which it might either need adjusting or, if your bike its a 2005-2006 it may well be that it might have skipped the TPS recall that Yamaha issued at the time, replacing them all free of charge to all owners.

Now Kev will ask you to remove the TPS and read him the serial number once hew knows that he will tell you if your TPS falls under the recall range or not and he might have to give you further suggestions.

good luck and don't worry one way or another we'll get to the bottom of this.

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