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Old 13-10-12, 19:21
maxwell123455 maxwell123455 is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 1,943
maxwell123455 is on a distinguished road
Tenere piccies

Finally got home onto the internet and up loaded some photos. Ive still loads on my work laptop which gave in the other day so hopefully i can get the piccies from it. Anywho as most will know ive bought Fiddichs 2010 Yamaha Tenere and here is my saturday photos from the 400miles i did in one day!!!

At the train station on friday waiting for a connecting train.

At fiddichs in the front room planning my ride for sat with a fire going and a bottle of whiskey i won in a raffle at work that day!!!! Yes it was sampled several times with no ice or water.....nice

Dropped into Aberlour for brekkie of a Northern Ireland mans favourite of a fry

At the cross roads going towards Tomintool i think!! They all look the same

Explains itself i think!!!

AKA Tenere country

My single track road at the sumit where it was very windy

Found a wee off road track near Bramear around a mile long. Got wet though after splashing into a deep puddle which covered the front wheel completely and pushed a tusmia sized wave over my helmet and what felt like all down my back!!!!

Arty one

Quiet a small castle when you get near it...more like a big house

Back again via the off road section....this time a little faster!!!!

Thought i found two off road trails but turns out there were around 150m of off road track then a gate to a field.....still fun on Tenere


Asda shop in a town here Dufftown with a few crotch rocketers

My horse and kart fully loaded

and as Fiddich called it a childs head slicer out the side (aka the standard exhausts link pipe)

A big hill before you get to the top of a ski sloping area place thing.....blooming cold by this stage as it was near 6.30pm and i still had around 150miles to go!!!!

1 i couldnt resist doing some more off roading and 2 it was a short cut really!!!!

Plough on

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