Ok, this has ruined my day. Just had my X for three weeks, joined xt660.com yesterday, all was well until I read that I should have got a red master key with the bike. Contacted the previous owner who sayes he never got one from the guy he bought it from. Bottom line is I have one black key .The bike is an 04 so I am guessing it has the 00 ECU, which is causing my low speed fueling probs. So luckily I caught this before I bought an 01 ECU , as disconnecting the 00 will totally kill my bike untill I fork out more ��� for a new ignition barrel.
So if I buy a new ign. barrel first will this be all I need to put me back on an even keel ? I guess I will have to live with the surging for another while.
Not looking forward to pricing a new ign. anyone in the UK have an idea what I could be paying? Thanks Guys.