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Strictly Polls This thread is dedicated to all polls of general interest - please only post polls in here - no general discussions, Thanks

View Poll Results: Please tick the ones you agree, and leave your feedback where you think its needed
Do you find the main forum layout easy to read? 240 88.24%
Do you find the modification index helpful in reaching your particular area of interest? 207 76.10%
Do you find the answers given in the threads to be of use and help towards solving your problems? 240 88.24%
Do you think the various issues regarding fuelling and surging are well covered and explained? 200 73.53%
Has the help found in this forum helped you overcome most of these issues? 158 58.09%
Have you purchased and fitted a Kev Mod? 32 11.76%
Are you happy with the service & discount offered by our sponsored companies? 59 21.69%
Do you think our sponsored companies offer value for money, example Carbon Cans Co? 60 22.06%
Do you think your knowledge of the xt660 bike has increased since visiting this forum? 250 91.91%
Would you agree this forum is essential for owners of the XT660X/R? 223 81.99%
If you have been on one of our rides, do you find these rides to be well organized and safely run? 15 5.51%
Would you like a more active role in the forum as part of the team? what do you think you can offer? 12 4.41%
Do you find the foreign language section helpful if you have problem with the english? 27 9.93%
Do you find the moderators and admins are giving you good support? 177 65.07%
Are you satisfied with the response time between your enquiries and our answers? 155 56.99%
Is the Picture Gallery a feature you find to be of good interest? 197 72.43%
Do you think overall this fourm is better than other competitor's XT forums? 176 64.71%
Did you find the registration process easy to complete? 252 92.65%
Would you reccomend this forum to any other of your mates with a Yamaha XT660? 266 97.79%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 272. You may not vote on this poll

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  # 1  
Old 06-09-06, 23:50
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CaptMoto CaptMoto is offline
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Can you all please complete these polls starting from this 1 - Thanks :)

As we dont have a feature which permits multiple choice questions to be answered with a yes or a no, we will ask some questions regarding quality and features and please thick on the ones you approve and if you don't, please use the reply feature to tell us where you disagree and what you think we should we do improve on that particular issue.

Please can you all try to do tihs poll as it will help us to help you.

Thank you very much for your time.

Last edited by CaptMoto; 07-09-06 at 15:40.
  # 2  
Old 07-09-06, 10:08
AJT690KTM AJT690KTM is offline
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I think that the number of posts from new owners/members proves that the Performance + Modification/ Ask Kev sections are essential reading, the XT is a great bike but needs some tweaking (blame the Euro emmission laws). The site has helped me a great deal, air box, co settings, made my own Kev mod, suspension (WP fork sprigs arriving today!!). The rides I have been on were good, a little under attended!! but good fun. It is good to swap information and ideas (even if it is the uglyist screen in the world Mick!!).Moderators are ok, not sure about Bucks tastes in music!!!!!I have recomended the site to others, hopefully the will complete the poll and give you their thoughts. All in all 10 out of 10, as to being more involved would love to but dont have time, buisness to run, time is money, money is time and all that. Alan
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Old 10-09-06, 09:32
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We have had so fa 13 people voting, it'a good start but we need more, come on where's the rest of you all??

Come on you guys, you've joined the forum, now please be active in it!!!

let me remind you what joining means according to the Oxford disctionary
  1. To put or bring together so as to make continuous or form a unit: join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle.
  2. To put or bring into close association or relationship: two families that were joined by marriage; join forces.
  3. To connect (points), as with a straight line.
  4. To meet and merge with: where the creek joins the river.
  5. To become a part or member of: joined the photography club.
  6. To come into the company of: joined the group in the waiting room.
  7. To participate with in an act or activity: The committee joins me in welcoming you.
  8. To adjoin.
  9. To engage in; enter into: Opposing armies joined battle on the plain.
v. intr.
  1. To come together so as to form a connection: where the two bones join.
  2. To act together; form an alliance: The two factions joined to oppose the measure.
  3. To become a member of a group.
  4. To take part; participate: joined in the search.
  # 4  
Old 11-09-06, 12:38
AJT690KTM AJT690KTM is offline
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Fran, if members dont post for say 3 months why not delete them!!
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Old 11-09-06, 13:23
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Originally Posted by AJT660
Fran, if members dont post for say 3 months why not delete them!!
I agree that is a nice solution to crap crowd neither attending nor reading.
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Old 11-09-06, 13:24
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Well I might email them all and ask them if they wish to stay and be active or prefer to be zapped
  # 7  
Old 11-09-06, 13:38
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Originally Posted by CaptMoto
Well I might email them all and ask them if they wish to stay and be active or prefer to be zapped
Go on them disintegrate them without a warning.(once happened to me )
  # 8  
Old 11-09-06, 14:12
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Originally Posted by SpArK
Go on them disintegrate them without a warning.(once happened to me )
no Spark it's not going to happen, my reply was a joke in response to a retorycal question, no one's gonna get zapped unless they have done something worth a cause of discipline and I can confirm to you that so far we are lucky to be blessed with members with plenty of common sense and maturity. If anything happened to you in the past must have been an error or something.
  # 9  
Old 11-09-06, 23:21
xt660 xt660 is offline
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I agree with the 3 month idea....it`s alright joining a forum, taking what you need from it and then doing nothing by way of any acknowledgement but that`s not cricket old chaps!!
A lot of other forum`s insist that a certain number of posts in a set period be made or you are forced to re-join or access to certain areas only.
I know you can`t make people post with a reply but let`s play the game peeps.
  # 10  
Old 11-09-06, 23:37
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Originally Posted by xt660
I agree with the 3 month idea....it`s alright joining a forum, taking what you need from it and then doing nothing by way of any acknowledgement but that`s not cricket old chaps!!
A lot of other forum`s insist that a certain number of posts in a set period be made or you are forced to re-join or access to certain areas only.
I know you can`t make people post with a reply but let`s play the game peeps.
Then I will put it to the vote and create a "should they stay or should they go?" poll

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