We have had so fa 13 people voting, it'a good start but we need more, come on where's the rest of you all??
Come on you guys, you've joined the forum, now please be active in it!!!
let me remind you what joining means according to the Oxford disctionary
- To put or bring together so as to make continuous or form a unit: join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle.
- To put or bring into close association or relationship: two families that were joined by marriage; join forces.
- To connect (points), as with a straight line.
- To meet and merge with: where the creek joins the river.
- To become a part or member of: joined the photography club.
- To come into the company of: joined the group in the waiting room.
- To participate with in an act or activity: The committee joins me in welcoming you.
- To adjoin.
- To engage in; enter into: Opposing armies joined battle on the plain.
- To come together so as to form a connection: where the two bones join.
- To act together; form an alliance: The two factions joined to oppose the measure.
- To become a member of a group.
- To take part; participate: joined in the search.