One of the metal-rubber "things" - no idea how are named in English - that are fitted in the upper triple clamp and hold the handlebar holders broke on my Z, as a result the handlebar twists very easy and also on the broken side moves about 1cm up and down with a squeaking sound... it's the thing between the "13" washer plates in the snapshot from the parts catalog:
Local Yamaha dealer says that it has no part code for that thing and can't order it, the only thing they could get would be the entire upper triple clamp that would have those already fitted... problem is that's a bit expensive - I was quoted about 130E...
None of the xt660 have the part itemized in the catalogs, older xt's have it but I don't think it fits...
Did any of you have that piece replaced? Where could I find a replacement? Looking for ideas...