Awful bike wide vibrations
TL;DR My bike vibrates way more than a mono cylinder should and I dont know what to check next.
I admit I droped the bike a few times (nothing serious) in a few accidents, but last one was pretty mild but right after I felt the bike started to vibrate a lot more. I droped it on the right side.
Basically whenever the rpm is higher than say 1800 it will start to shake badly making the trip awful. So bad that some of my screw have come loose/fallen off. I've burnt a few lights because the fork shakes so hard. And now something else got messed up and the whole dashboard + light assembly vibrates to the point where you can clearly hear it on my camera.
I've checked the fork to make sure everything is tight and nice. I checked that the exhaust are mounted right and they dont make the engine shake. Checked various other "outside" nuts and bolts.
What I haven't/couldn't check is any of the points the engine is mounted on the frame. Could one of them be broken/damaged in a way that would make it behave like this?
I can feel it like crazy in my pegs for a while, before I get adjusted and if I'm waiting at a stoplight with my hands on the handlebars it looks like my arms have a seizure or something.
What would be the best way to get this fixed? Its driving me crazy.