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  # 1  
Old 03-02-12, 20:46
stoic bloke stoic bloke is offline
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stoic bloke is on a distinguished road
another thing to ponder

i would like to see a change to the road system, when at the lights are red, before going to green the amber comes on, unfortunately too many car drivers see this as launch NOW!. perhaps it's something that only happens here? i dont enjoy the experience of filtering, waiting for green only to have the left and right of me barge on as i somewhat pedantically wait for green. happens quite often in newry my local town/city.

across the border from me [100mtrs]in southern ireland they have the european system, red then green for go. the amber is only on the 'stopping' phase,imho much more civilised

what do you's recon? if the change was on the cards would it be an improvement?
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Old 03-02-12, 22:13
uberthumper uberthumper is offline
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uberthumper is on a distinguished road
I agree. No reason for the Red+Amber phase.

Besides, the traffic light GP is much more realistic when the green light is a surprise
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Old 04-02-12, 02:24
Woottonboy Woottonboy is offline
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Ozzie rules

Actually according to the road rule book in NSW amber means "STOP unless unsafe to do so". 6 seconds of amber just means more people go through on amber knowing that the light is only about to turn red.
  # 4  
Old 04-02-12, 09:58
Gas_Up_Lets_Go Gas_Up_Lets_Go is offline
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Gas_Up_Lets_Go is on a distinguished road
I kinda agree.

But a green light doesn't mean 'go', it means 'go if it safe to do so', Re light means stop, so technically, crossing the solid line with a red light is an offence anyway, either side of the cycle (or the motorcycle in Stoic case - Yes the pun was intended!)

Red -> Green would clear things up for sure.

Another thing, and they use this system in the US and Canada, when turning left (or right for those who choose the other side of the road) at a red light, you treat it as a 'give way', works over there, not sure it would here. But it's a great way to get traffic moving.

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Old 04-02-12, 11:39
stumpydave stumpydave is offline
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stumpydave is on a distinguished road
On the subject of traffic lights, can we turn them all to a flashing amber as they do in some other countries between say 10 at night and 7 in a morning? I often start work in the early hours of a morning and find it ridiculous to spend so much time sat at red lights when theres only me and the milkman on the road.
I'm sure this would save the councils money too in electricity savings particularly if they were turned of all together?
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  # 6  
Old 04-02-12, 12:20
Grim Reaper Grim Reaper is offline
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Grim Reaper is on a distinguished road
I work shifts too and at silly o'clock in the morning when the roads are empty, there's nothing more annoying than sitting at a junction when there's no traffic.

I think you're right about turning left on a red light, it works in the USA except they turn right.

One thing I would change about junctions here is stick in roundabouts at major cross roads where possible. As said previously, there is too much time spent sitting at lights when the road is clear. And traffic lights could be in operation for peak times/rush hour.

They use this system at some roundabouts so why not use it more often.

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