Denny there's a DNA stage 2 available on eBay at the moment if you look at the eBay watch thread you will find it.
and as Kev said for the record K&N only makes the normal filter replacement what we commonly refer to as Stage 1, DNA on the other hand are the only company that do the stage 2 one, in fact they are the ones that designed it from scratch and they hold the patent and copyright so no other company can make a copy without getting sued by them.
Edit: Also there is even a better Stage 1 filter on the market made by Pipercross however the way this filter is designed, (as it is slightly wider) does not allow you to fit a stage 2 one so although its better its not worth getting it in place of a K&N or DNA stg1 because the DNA stage 2 is by far the best filter replacement and the one that gives you more wack for your buck ;) :D