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ManicMic 11-02-08 20:33

Try post #3 and #6 in this thread.

Denny 11-02-08 20:35


Originally Posted by Fozzer (Post 46165)
Manic can you post pic's I cant decide weather to purchase or not

Check the first page, there's two pics on there.

*edit* Doh! Too slow :icon_rabbit:

Bullit 12-02-08 00:21

Yamaha Hand Guards
Here is Yamaha Hand guards in BLUE from the Motorward Website( www.motoward.co.uk), they cost 59.99 for the hand guards and 11 quid for the spoilers. Don't know if they will fit, you might have to give them a call to find out.

Hand Guards:


They also do the original XT handguards in black:

Hope this helps.

Fast Fattie 13-02-08 10:59

Found these on flea bay... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Blue-Plastic-M...QQcmdZViewItem
Do they look like what I need? And have to buy the spoilers extra??

Fast Fattie 13-02-08 11:08


Originally Posted by ManicMic (Post 46044)
Cheers Denny for posting that picture as I've just put my bike back in it's bag.

@Chrissie. I've heard that if you buy Acerbis hand guards then they are about half the price. Then you have to spend the same amount of money on the fixings. You get a right assortment of fixings and you'll never be sure if you've got it right. As for the Yamaha hand guards, they are fit and forget. 10-15 minutes and your riding your bike again.

@Bear. You are not wrong fella. I've put mine through someones side window. Certainly saved my fingers for sure. :thumbsup:

MainMic...you say 10-15 mins then you are riding again. Sone of what I have seen regarding fitting the hand guards involves cutting the ends of of the grips, and cutting the end of the throttle twist. Is this also the case with the Yamaha ones? Ifso 10-15 minutes is pretty quick. Are yours fitted by cutting these parts? Cheers mate.

ManicMic 13-02-08 11:55

No cutting involved when I fitted mine.

The only tricky bit I did was to use my mates mini air drill to make a small pilot hole for my wind deflectors that go on top of the guards.

Freeloader 13-02-08 11:56

You don't have to move the throttle tube in although i spose you can, you can always just move the thottle assembley around 3mmto the left...works here.

I just ordered the handgaurds that you psoted. I'll give you a report when they arrive. Seems like a really nice guy on the phone, phone him up, same him the ebay fees. Much cheaper than everywhere else.

Fast Fattie 13-02-08 12:04


Originally Posted by Freeloader (Post 46338)
You don't have to move the throttle tube in although i spose you can, you can always just move the thottle assembley around 3mmto the left...works here.

I just ordered the handgaurds that you psoted. I'll give you a report when they arrive. Seems like a really nice guy on the phone, phone him up, same him the ebay fees. Much cheaper than everywhere else.

Hi Freeloader. You say you have ordered the ones I posted??? I hope they are good then. I would be very grateful if you would let me know how you get on with them. I dont get my bike till March, so I still have plenty of time to order them up, as long as you give me the nod that they are ok. Does the guy sell the spoilers as well? or did you not ask, and just brought what is shown on ebay?
Cheers mate.

Fast Fattie 16-02-08 01:39


Originally Posted by Freeloader (Post 46338)
You don't have to move the throttle tube in although i spose you can, you can always just move the thottle assembley around 3mmto the left...works here.

I just ordered the handgaurds that you psoted. I'll give you a report when they arrive. Seems like a really nice guy on the phone, phone him up, same him the ebay fees. Much cheaper than everywhere else.

Hi freeloader.
Have you got the hand guards yet? And how do they look? Cheers.

Freeloader 19-02-08 18:19

Yes mate. They look pretty well made, not cheap looking. They aren't as big as the Acerbis/Yamah ones = less wind protection but look like they will protect in a crash well.

No cutting of throtle tubes or any of that crap, 10 minute fit.

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