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Which handguards to buy for an XTX???
Hi all,
I'm thinking of buying handguards for my '05 XT660X.
Cheers! |
http://www.xt660.com/attachment.php?...6&d=1199305157 and here
you can see the yamaha (acerbis) ones in black and the pair of WRP ones in orange. The second ones do not have any metal protection inside, they are just made of hard plastic. |
I'm using Yamaha hand guards bought from a Yamaha dealer (made by Acerbis). They cost about �70 with the wind deflectors fixed to the top and they are reinforced with tough metal strips. Essential in my opinion.
http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/b...X/DSC00362.jpg |
Those are very nice handguards ManicMic !
Though I think they're a bit too expensive... I've got a lower budget to spent on handguards ;) BTW: aren't those Yamaha handguards pretty much the same as Acerbis Rally Pro? @ ManicMic: can you please post another pic of the handguards but from above the handlebar, to check if there's enough space between the handguards and the levers? Cheers mate! |
there is plenty of room for the levers, and acerbis do them under a different name and they only cost about �30, what name that is a cant remember.
What type are you looking for ones that have a metal bar running around the back of the plastic hand guard, or just a plastic hand guard that deflects wind? |
Don't go for cheap one you'll regret it :nod: I had plastic UFOs but went & bought the Yamys cos I know they will save my hands & my levers. Here's a pic anyway, same guards but without the extra deflector things ;) http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/1968/pict4604el0.jpg |
On the strength of what has been said on here Ive been and told them to fit hand gaurds for me on the bike, as for cost, how much riding can you do with no fingers?
wise words there. Bear :notworthy:
Cheers Denny for posting that picture as I've just put my bike back in it's bag.
@Chrissie. I've heard that if you buy Acerbis hand guards then they are about half the price. Then you have to spend the same amount of money on the fixings. You get a right assortment of fixings and you'll never be sure if you've got it right. As for the Yamaha hand guards, they are fit and forget. 10-15 minutes and your riding your bike again. @Bear. You are not wrong fella. I've put mine through someones side window. Certainly saved my fingers for sure. :thumbsup: |
Forgot to say, when I was talking to the sales man he let me go and dribble on mine by the way he told me the police have ordered 30 yes 30 XTRs so what do,s that tell you about the XT!
Bear, I am not sure if I had told you bu there is a girl called lady p in this forum who has a pink XTR and she lives in Peterborough, get in touch with her by pm, I am sure her and her husband would love to get together for a ride with you. They're a nice young couple.
Yes you did tell me about lady p I did look in on their site but it seams very short on posts shame really! I can hardly wait now and seeing Tecno King Kevs bike with the stainless cans has got me thinking a bit more over time is on the cards lol.
I think I may be able to run mine in in about the 1st week cos I got some holidays to use up |
I don't want to get your hopes up much more but..... Excitement about getting a new bike only goes so far. The excitement when you get the bike and experience low down torque without having to rev the nuts out of the thing will blow ya socks off. blowup |
But will the public ever see these bikes??? I've heard of the police buying so many different types of bikes and never seen half of them. Lisburn police station is about 10miles from me and they are suppose to own a fireblade but it never goes out even when they put the NW200 on, they just bring all the St1100, Deauvilles, Transalps and the odd blackbird over from england.
We do have something special thought, weve got a Buell Uyuless thingy, very nice and noisey, but again doesnt get seen/ridden that much. I cant see why the police have not changed there bikes yet as so many are soo out of date that even a 60bhp bike or 1.5 ltr + car could out run them. |
Hi ManicMic I hear what you are saying but im planing to stay close to home for the first couple of days just to get a feel for it Ive no riding time since I past my test in November so im a bit worried about it at the moment!
Ive booked up a ride with my instructor on the friday pm on the 29th just to calm me down a bit. |
After reading the replies, I think I'm gonna order me the original Yamaha hand guards :) This way I'm sure that they will fit right. At first, I thought about buying those Polisport hand guards, but they don't have a metal bar inside, so I guess they might brake in a crash (which I don't want to happen :icon_wink:) :signthankspin:Thanks for the replies to all! |
http://m.gmgrd.co.uk/res/35.$plit/C_...A25%3A43%3A465 http://www.lawinabox.net/images/b2police.jpg |
Cheers. |
They are the same as mine as far as they do their job but I've no idea if they would be the right size or clearance from your levers. If it's blue ones your after then ask Tony660x. I think he had blue ones.
Cheers mate. |
Sorry about that FF. I was thinking about his last XTX and have just checked some of his pictures of his old bike and they were black as well.
Whoooops!!! Best bet would be go to a bike dealer and ask if you can try before ya buy just to be 100% sure that blue ones will fit. Do you not like the Yamaha ones because they are blick? (said in an Ali G stylie) |
Guys - My handguards on my first and second XT were both black sets. I purchased genuine Yamaha ones for both times for several reasons, 1 - perfect fit with zero confusion on fixings, 2 - Metal inserts give me more piece of mind regarding protection, Manicmic can tell you all about their value in a collision!
I have to say my own oppinion is do not go cheap. I know �65-�75 a set is alot but 100% essential. I do not have the winglets on mine that give increased wind protection but thay may change once I get paid! Do it mate, totally worth it IMHO. |
ORO make some for �39.99 exactly like the Acerbis, find them on google or ebay. Only fixings are slightrly different, look more cheaply cast.
Blue ones would look nice, i cant see how they are any different size wise, you see these advertised in many off road mags, and others and they just say its only colour different.
But its up to you, why not get the fitting kit from yamaha, and then buy some blue hand guards from some shops if they dont fit ebay them, and get the black ones from yamaha. |
If you get the fitting kit from Yamaha you have to have the hand guards as well. They come as 1 item.
As Tony said........It's not worth going cheap. You might end up with something that looks naff and spins around your handlebars. Why take the risk. The Yamaha hand guards saved my right hand when I put my bars through someones side window. I didn't intend to but a woman in a people carrier decided to pull out in front of me and she forgot to look right. I braked as hard as I could but on realising impact was inevitable I slid my rear wheel out to the right and slammed into her cage sideways. I had no injuries except squashing my leg a bit but without the hand guards I'd have smashed up my hand for sure. |
Try post #3 and #6 in this thread.
*edit* Doh! Too slow :icon_rabbit: |
Yamaha Hand Guards
Here is Yamaha Hand guards in BLUE from the Motorward Website(
www.motoward.co.uk), they cost 59.99 for the hand guards and 11 quid for the spoilers. Don't know if they will fit, you might have to give them a call to find out.
Hand Guards: http://www.motoward.co.uk/catalog/pr...oducts_id=1830 Spoilers: http://www.motoward.co.uk/catalog/pr...oducts_id=1831 They also do the original XT handguards in black: http://www.motoward.co.uk/catalog/pr...roducts_id=266 Hope this helps. |
Found these on flea bay...
Do they look like what I need? And have to buy the spoilers extra?? |
No cutting involved when I fitted mine.
The only tricky bit I did was to use my mates mini air drill to make a small pilot hole for my wind deflectors that go on top of the guards. |
You don't have to move the throttle tube in although i spose you can, you can always just move the thottle assembley around 3mmto the left...works here.
I just ordered the handgaurds that you psoted. I'll give you a report when they arrive. Seems like a really nice guy on the phone, phone him up, same him the ebay fees. Much cheaper than everywhere else. |
Cheers mate. |
Have you got the hand guards yet? And how do they look? Cheers. |
Yes mate. They look pretty well made, not cheap looking. They aren't as big as the Acerbis/Yamah ones = less wind protection but look like they will protect in a crash well.
No cutting of throtle tubes or any of that crap, 10 minute fit. |
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