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sezian 15-06-12 12:39

Akrapovic Exhaust
Where can I but some Akrapovic pipes for my XTx that don�t cost half as much as the bike ???

sezian 15-06-12 14:12

I�ve read a considerable number of posts relating to the various aftermarket exhaust people have used, but can�t decide if there�s actually a clear winner in terms of performance, reliability and quality? Most will say the system they have is excellent and are very pleased with it, although this doesn�t give any real comparisons.

The reason for wanting an Akrapovic system is because, from what I perceive, this is possibly the best system available ??? Please point me in the right direction if you know better.

I�m certainly not looking for a loud system and appreciate there are fairly small gains in power terms, with the biggest improvement being weight saving.

I have all the cheaper performance bits already fitted, stage 1, stage 2 filters, Kev fuel mod etc, so I�m guessing the next step is really a set of pipes, or the big question is �Are a set of pipes actually worth buying� ???

sezian 15-06-12 15:11

I�ve seen the MTC exhausts and I know many people on here use them. I also see that most people go for the Stainless Steel end cans as opposed to the carbon or Titanium cans. The question is � Do S/S cans get hot like the OEM cans ???

Pleiades 15-06-12 15:14


Originally Posted by sezian (Post 174610)
The reason for wanting an Akrapovic system is because, from what I perceive, this is possibly the best system available ??? Please point me in the right direction if you know better.

I certainly don't know any better than the next man, but I think you need to get it straight in your own mind what you want the addition of aftermarket exhausts to achieve? What's important to you; sound quality, aesthetics, weight reduction, powergains? Then factor all that in with price. Get the answers to these questions straight in your head and you'll probably arrive your solution. In otherwords it's all down to personal choice!

I have Akros on the Z, and I'm with Keith, they are nice, but I can't really see or feel any perceived quality difference over other brands I've had dealings with over the years. There is way more choice now than when I bought mines cans in 2008 (in fact there wasn't any!) If I was starting out again I'd have to say I'd probably go MTC...

Pleiades 15-06-12 15:16


Originally Posted by sezian (Post 174613)
I�ve seen the MTC exhausts and I know many people on here use them. I also see that most people go for the Stainless Steel end cans as opposed to the carbon or Titanium cans. The question is � Do S/S cans get hot like the OEM cans ???

They'll get hotter than aluminium or titanium.

Gas_Up_Lets_Go 15-06-12 15:33


Originally Posted by Pleiades (Post 174614)
I think you need to get it straight in your own mind what you want the addition of aftermarket exhausts to achieve?

Yup :headbang:

Different cans give different results, but it all depends on your expectations and aspirations - so start with them.

Personally, the Akrapovics sound lovely, but I don't think they are worth the ��� over other offerings. But it's a personal choice, and that choice is yours.

SelinaXC had MTC's on her X, it sounded great, deep and throaty. And the MTC'c are made here in the UK.

coffeebaron 15-06-12 17:02

It's a funny one the topic of cans-it's not just different brands, but also different configurations, length of the pipe work, diameter, they all affect how efficiently the engine expels the gasses. It is a shame there isn't a collection of dyno figures on varying styles and brands available to compare in one place on the site.

I'm aiming to get mine on the dyno soon, and i'm running a custom built set with k & n stage 1, dna stage 2 and PCV.

Will post results once obtained- but to get back to the original point, I'd agree with Pleidas and Gas up, best asses your needs and wants

spen 15-06-12 17:25

What price are you getting quoted for the Akro"s ? i know where there is a new set still in the box for sale !! .I have just ordered a set of MTC cans ovals with carbon ends. I hope the build quality is good . I gave them a ring and had a chat then ordered on here .I will let you know what they"re like next week .

CaptMoto 15-06-12 17:49

Well Spen I could have told you.

Let me explain if MTC were not the kind of company that would have provided myself and you guys the clients 100% satisfaction, do you think I would have bothered to enter into a sponsorship deal with them?

I let their products sell through me here because I know I am not going to get any post sale headaches from people saying oh my cans have fallen apart or they don't effing fit or they are too flimsy, etc etc.

MTC are top notch, in both quality and after sale service. peace of mind for me and for the members of :660:

very good product + affordable prices + excellent quality and durability.

So it doesn't say Akrapovic or Yoshimura on them but performance wise a straight through can is a straight through can, it's just the badge on them that changes...

And as for Akraps, 3 or 4 of our members who have had them had problem with weldings splitting open and those flimsy carbon clamps snapping on them, and they paid... �650-�700 for them, I call that crazy.

sezian 16-06-12 09:53

I appreciate your thoughts and agree Akrapovic are expensive (approx �750) when compared to MTC (approx �280) although I don�t necessarily agree it�s just the name you are paying for.

I did read a lot of posts in the �Exhausts� section regarding fitting problems with MTC exhausts, so I guess all manufacturers have problems from time to time (the problem was fixed eventually with the help of MTC).

I would still be interested to know if there are any comparisons charts for the various systems available, performance wise, as this is one of the biggest driving forces in getting some after market pipes. If there are any dyno results for different systems I would like to see the improvements over standard. And which comes out top.

The only other concern I have is how �HOT� these things will get, I know the standard pipes will take your skin off if you touch them after a ride, hence the reason for the shrouds I presume. All after market pipes are bare so how hot do they get? Can you touch them after a ride? Will a pillion need asbestos pants? What cans (s/s, carbon, alloy, titanium etc) produce the least amount of heat? Are they safe without a shroud?

Spen � Please let me know what price the Akrs�s are, also be interested to know what you think of the new cans when you get them, BTW why did you go for carbon ends? Just a style preference?

CaptMoto 16-06-12 11:23

In a nutshell, surprisingly enough afternarket cans do not get hot at all!, because there are no cat converters, and no clusters of restrictions inside the can therefore the exhaust gases do not stay long enough in the can for these to get hot, trust me, I couldn't believe it myself when I first fit a set of Carbon Can Co. Stainless Steel to my XTX. After market cans are a simple straight through tube the hot air gets out of it pretty quick.

maxwell123455 16-06-12 12:28


Originally Posted by CaptMoto (Post 174645)
In a nutshell, surprisingly enough afternarket cans do not get hot at all!, because there are no cat converters, and no clusters of restrictions inside the can therefore the exhaust gases do not stay long enough in the can for these to get hot, trust me, I couldn't believe it myself when I first fit a set of Carbon Can Co. Stainless Steel to my XTX. After market cans are a simple straight through tube the hot air gets out of it pretty quick.

Yep as Captamoto said a performance exhaust has no restrictions therefore the hot gases from the engine just get pushed right out and have little time to heat up the exhaust. I had an XTR for near 4 years and 40k miles, most with a set of CCC full length, round S/S cans on and yes the exhaust header/tubing still gets hot but the can itself even after some of the most brain out riding (i get the red mist every now and then) i would still touch them, ok maybe for about 30secs before you hand gets too warm but with an air flow the person legs will not get cooked like on other bikes/standard cans

spen 16-06-12 13:23

Spen � Please let me know what price the Akrs�s are, also be interested to know what you think of the new cans when you get them, BTW why did you go for carbon ends? Just a style preference?

The only reason i went for MTC was the price ,and the carbon ends were just to make it a bit different ,i can get the Akras for �600 the MTC cans were �350 ish

Kev 16-06-12 15:00

The Akro's are the only cans I know that have cracked at the join at the link pipe/can & we have seen a few that have done this over the years.

Pipes offer little gains in HP on the XT the air box is where most of the HP & torque is hidden.

fac191 16-06-12 15:33

Mtc Exhausts
MTC customer service is first class, if you have any problems they get it sorted, and quick. If your in the UK, why buy anything else ?

spen 16-06-12 15:53

I have Kevs mod and DNA filter ,when i get the cans on i"ll post on all of them ,All i can say is the service so far has been great and a big improvement in Torque , i don"t rev the nuts of my bike and like to keep it in the middle of the rev range this is where i have noticed the biggest improvement ,Will be interesting to see what differance the cans make and bin the Cat on the original ones :bounce016:

sezian 16-06-12 17:26

I have the Kev fuel mod, K&N filter + stage 2 DNA filter, so will be very interested to know how the bike performs & sounds (not to loud I hope) with the MTC exhausts. Are MTC exhaust loud ???

Not sure what, if any, other mod�s can be done to gain more power? I certainly don�t think a PCV is worth the extra money over the Kev fuel mod, and the cost of a stage 3 airbox is way too expensive. So I think a set of pipes is the last item on my performance upgrade list.

Certainly from what I�m hearing and previous experiences of other manufactures MTC seems the way to go. I�ll wait to hear results from �Spen� and maybe get a quote from �CaptMoto� for a new set of MTC�s.

spen 16-06-12 17:41

you might find a set on you tube ,there are a few videos of Teneres on there

waynovetten 16-06-12 22:21


Originally Posted by sezian (Post 174663)
I have the Kev fuel mod, K&N filter + stage 2 DNA filter, so will be very interested to know how the bike performs & sounds (not to loud I hope) with the MTC exhausts. Are MTC exhaust loud ???

Not sure what, if any, other mod�s can be done to gain more power? I certainly don�t think a PCV is worth the extra money over the Kev fuel mod, and the cost of a stage 3 airbox is way too expensive. So I think a set of pipes is the last item on my performance upgrade list.

Certainly from what I�m hearing and previous experiences of other manufactures MTC seems the way to go. I�ll wait to hear results from �Spen� and maybe get a quote from �CaptMoto� for a new set of MTC�s.

I run mine with Akra pipes 1 and 2 filter,tried Kevs mod and with some tinkering with the ajustment worked really well,the original plan was to buy a 690smc,but after deciding against bought a PC3,it had a map in it but really needs maping on a dyno,the biggest difference I found was the surging stopped with PC3,but performance wise may be a tad better but I wouldn,t want to live on the difference,save your money unless you can get one cheap.

maxwell123455 17-06-12 11:41



just a few of the better type ones

SimonRoma 18-06-12 11:14

I chose Leo Vince cos they are Italian and I have used one already on my XJR1300. I am 100% satisfied as they fitted like a dream, give me a weight saving of 3.5kg, the quality looks excellent and the sound is good, not too loud but free breathing and the bike goes great!!!!!!.

spen 21-06-12 17:16

Well MTC cans arrived and look fantastic ,great service can"t wait to fit them pics to follow :icon_rendeer:

maxwell123455 21-06-12 22:09


Originally Posted by spen (Post 174964)
Well MTC cans arrived and look fantastic ,great service can"t wait to fit them pics to follow :icon_rendeer:

piccies and videos mate:Tennis_ABHMXO:

spen 22-06-12 04:10

Will fit them sat or Sunday

spen 23-06-12 18:43

First let me say what a brilliant service i got from MTC , their exhausts are 100% ,well made and easy to fit .
http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/a...DSCF0120-1.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/a...s/DSCF0123.jpg

Bushofficer 18-07-12 02:41

Thanks for the pictures and the explanation. Great looking bike! Hope you will enjoy your new system :)

SimonRoma 18-07-12 10:14

Brilliant set of pics thanks, they look great!!!

Kev 18-07-12 12:20

I like them pipes. :partyondude:

mash101 18-07-12 17:54

Ordered round stainless pipes for my X yesterday evening, just got confirmation they've been despatched & should be with me tomorrow!!!
What can I say? So far this is better than expected service - I can't wait to get them fitted!!!!
Thanks for good communication to Capt Moto!!!

Will report back as soon as they're on!

CaptMoto 18-07-12 19:28

Yep, the man above, tomorrow will receive a shiny set of MTC Exhausts!! :mboxhappy:

mash101 19-07-12 17:01


Originally Posted by CaptMoto (Post 176359)
Yep, the man above, tomorrow will receive a shiny set of MTC Exhausts!! :mboxhappy:

Hey Capt Moto - arrived this morning & now fitted & road tested!!!

The good:
Nice & shiny
Great noise!!!
Much lighter than stock
Throttle response seems a little quicker (maybe subjective....)
Excellent ordering process, service & communication
Good packaging
Weld quality & general workmanship to a VERY high standard, including pucker laser-cut stainless brackets which I particularly like - this is seriously good VFM!!

The not quite so good:
Sadly one of the clamps holding the link pipe to the can was missing. I called MTC straight away & they said they'll put one in the post. Fingers crossed I'll get it tomorrow. Meantime, I have used a jubilee clip....
No instructions!!!! Luckily there's not much to work out, but getting the clamps in the right position & some sort of recommended sequence of work would be nice....

Finally, weird smell of burning, which I'm guessing is the residue of the manufacturing process burning off.

So, after a half hour ride, I can confirm that these cans turn heads & look the business. The end cans are warm to the touch, but beware: the link pipes get VERY hot!!!

Thanks again Capt Moto!

Grim Reaper 19-07-12 17:29

I may be placing an order very shortly for a set of these :)

mash101 19-07-12 20:21


Originally Posted by Grim Reaper (Post 176375)
I may be placing an order very shortly for a set of these :)

Go for it!!
You won't be disappointed, although your neighbours may be if you have a very early commute.....

The only other minor gripe: get some washers to go with the 4 securing bolts. None were supplied, but I hate fixing bolts/fasteners direct to metal without at least a flat washer.

Grim Reaper 19-07-12 21:15

That is going to be an issue as I leave sometimes at 5.45am for work. Other times I don't come home until the back of 4 in the morning.

Anyhow...where's your pics??? We like pics ;)

mash101 20-07-12 12:07

Well thanks to Paul at MTC, replacement clamp arrived this morning! I did some more fine adjustments to get everything looking (reasonably) symmetrical - pretty hard for a ham-fisted middle age git I can tell you!!
Anyway, without further ado, photos!! (& apologies for the 'photo-shopped' number plate.....):

Thanks to all at MTC & Capt Moto!!

spen 20-07-12 13:59

very nice :rockwoot:

Grim Reaper 20-07-12 19:25

Very nice.

tzox 24-01-13 09:28

Hi guys!

Anybody knows how to remove db killer on this Akrapovic XT660Z??

I managed Unscrew the allen screws, but I can not draw out???


JPXT660Z 26-01-13 12:00

Hi tzox,
Ref: removing the baffles for the XT660Z Akrapovic exhaust.
Once you've removed the allen screws I normally use a 'Leatherman' or pliers to help with pulling it out... hope this helps :-)

Two Feathers 26-01-13 19:19

Akra db removal.
The best way to remove the db killers on Akras ,once you remove the allen bolts, remove the can from the bike and push a brush shaft up the inside till it makes contact with the rear of the baffle. Then a couple of sharp taps will release the baffle, with out doing any damage. I have learned the hard way that pulling on your Ti with pliers etc WILL cause damage. Good luck.

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