Given that I already had some panniers I decided to make some frames to hold them on the Ten. The previous frame had been built to carry the boxes on my Speed Triple-
Ignore the gurning drunk
Then when I got the DR600 I was stunned to find the rack slotted onto that too, and used it to carry various things-
So anyway, pic whoring over. Now I don't have a pipe bender so tried a couple of ways to form a bend into the tube this time, but neither was particularly successful, so in the end I decided to go for a mitred joint set up instead. I used the old frame as a jig for the side mounts, and then the rest was made as I went along.
I decided I was going to use the Yamaha mounting points, even though I know it would mean some tricky nut application under the seat. However I plan to make a new set of silencers up at some point in the next few months so access should be improved.
Ever the resourceful, I used on of my test bend pieces to make a joining half-loop for the rear of the rack. Now I also realised that in order to slot the rack on, it would have to split, so the half-loop has a joint in it, but not behind the mudguard where it gets all ****ty. No I put it in an easy access place on the side. Oh and my test bend was that long too!
And a couple of pics of it with boxes in place. It's nearly finished, I just need to pic some nuts and bolts up from local factors, then paint it. Although it's lovely 316 seamless, I'm painting it black to fit in.
Quite chuffed.