Touratech frames, Metal Mule panniers...
Having initialy felt a little let down by Touratech USA (who it turns out want 30% more money then the kit costs in Euros!), I now view the decision to cancel my order a blessing, as I was always in two minds about the Zega panniers (I love their simple shape, but the catches/locks are crap, and the bare metal leaves dust all over your kit inside)...
However, having studied all the other options, I do consider the Touratech pannier frames are the best design/most sturdy - the cross brace doesn't hang down and require you to keep the silly low number plate, and the framework itself bolts to the correct holes on the bike subframe, not on top where your top-box might go, eh Metal Mule?!
However, while the Metal Mule boxes do look a bit like ammo cases, I am warming to them - and they are one of the few companies who produce a slim pannier too of course...
So, this rather longwinded intro leads me to one key question - does anyone know/tried if you can fit Metal Mule panniers onto Touratech frames? - ie. is the rectangular frame section the panniers attach to the same shape/size? I know they are both constructed from 18mm tubing, but what I want to know is if the fixings on the MM boxes line up and attach to the TT frames?
Wouldn't that be nice eh?
"Where we're going, we don't need roads..."