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General & Appearance Mods Looks is important. Ask here for help on, flushmounts, undertails, bodywork, exhaust models etc

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  # 1  
Old 04-08-06, 00:07
mechanikal_vandal mechanikal_vandal is offline
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Engine Coating

I have a 2nd hand '04 xtx which had had very little use when i bought it, now that im using it everyday though the coating (paint??) on the engine casings - specifically the clutch casing - is quickly getting rather tatty. There are several areas where the surface has bubbled up and corroded underneath. Im pretty good with keeping the bike clean and i usually rinse it off and then dry it after a wet ride and its kept in a relatively dry garage. Has anyone else had similar problems and if so what have you done to remedy it? I have scraped/sanded all the loose paint or whatever it is off and painted on sum clear laquer to try and seal the area and stop the corrosion spreading but its not ideal. Any one know the rough cost of having the casings repainted/powder coated?
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Old 05-08-06, 23:15
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Robin Hood Robin Hood is offline
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i have Waxst my motor show not om my XT660X
  # 3  
Old 06-08-06, 00:31
Buck Buck is offline
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Originally Posted by mechanikal_vandal
I have a 2nd hand '04 xtx which had had very little use when i bought it, now that im using it everyday though the coating (paint??) on the engine casings - specifically the clutch casing - is quickly getting rather tatty. There are several areas where the surface has bubbled up and corroded underneath. Im pretty good with keeping the bike clean and i usually rinse it off and then dry it after a wet ride and its kept in a relatively dry garage. Has anyone else had similar problems and if so what have you done to remedy it? I have scraped/sanded all the loose paint or whatever it is off and painted on sum clear laquer to try and seal the area and stop the corrosion spreading but its not ideal. Any one know the rough cost of having the casings repainted/powder coated?
Is it still under warranty ???? (take it back to your dealer if it is )if its not and you want to go down the D.I.Y route the options are remove the paint from the casings completely and coat with a good quality anti rust undercoat and re-spray,hammerite would be a good protective paint,but use the smooth variety (you can buy it in aerosol form ).Or remove the cases and get them professionally powder coated.
  # 4  
Old 06-08-06, 11:26
mechanikal_vandal mechanikal_vandal is offline
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Yeah the bike is still under warranty, just! i need to take it in this month so they can check it over n get any issues sorted before the warranty expires in sept. I didint think that the finish would be covered by warranty but il see what i can get out of them when i take it down. I wouldnt mind if i had to repaint it, i fancy maybe changin it to a gold colour. Anyone here ever painted an engine while fitted? Im pretty mechanichally minded but i dunno if upto a whole engine strip down n rebeuild!
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Old 19-08-07, 11:05
rivabill rivabill is offline
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Hi All
My XTX will be two years old in october and the engine paint is a right mess.
All that yamaha will do is re-paint the engine .......is this right or can you fight them for new engine covers ??

This first started when it was only 5 months old, i left it until now to get the most from the repair or new covers, this will effect the bikes value for cosmetic resons.
Whats the best plan of attack ????

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Old 19-08-07, 11:36
Hedgehog Hedgehog is offline
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I'm interested in replies to this one... as a high milage from new Beemer owner I'm used to taking my bike back just before the warranty is up to get cosmetic issues (from winter abuse) rectified & the garrage was more than willing to comply, even replacing wear & tear items if they were wearing faster than you'd expect. On one bike I managed to rip the seat but because it was badly warn they replaced it FOC.

I've not read the small print of the warranty but have noticed that they advise bringing the bike in for a winter prep in the handbook... no doubt at extra expense on a service... & if you've skipped this they might use it as a way to wriggle out of such issues. Anyone know Yamaha's policy on this?

If they repaint I presume this work will have a warranty applied to it as well (any prob sorted on the beemer was guaranteed for a year).

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