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General Help Section Members help each other here with tips and tricks about mods / maintenance and servicing based on their own experiences

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Old 16-10-18, 01:48
Nitromoz Nitromoz is offline
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Hi everyone friends had a bit of a accident with his X don't quite know what happened but looks like rear wheel bearing had seized up and pushed out somehow anyway it has made wheel grind into the disc and caliper to swingarm holder (that can be filed to make better) but needs X disc disc screws has looked on eBay but I said put a shout out on here for him as he not member yet as hasn't had it long and is a bit skint after purchasing it ( told him to get the R we went to look at as I have an R but he wanted the X ) so bit of help does R disc and holder fit X wheel etc so he can try to get it done a bit cheaper than it may cost on eBay or buying new any help appreciated
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Old 16-10-18, 12:35
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Chalk Two Chalk Two is offline
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The way I check if parts are common is to check the part numbers, as shown, in A J Sutton 's web site. Once you have the part number I put that number into google and there are a few web sites that show which, other, vehicles use the same part which opens up the searchability and potential sources
I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort.
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