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Old 17-09-18, 18:38
Halgeir Halgeir is offline
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First Gear selector issue

I'm hoping someone can help here as I'm starting to to think things are serious with my very much loved old trusty 2011 XT660Z
She's just coming up to the 70k mark and she's starting to show troubles when I try to select first gear. It' only sporadic (which is why I'm concerned), but when I pull the clutch in (whilst moving or stationary) there's nothing. It feels as though the gear selector arm is hitting against the frame (which it isn't as this was the first thing I checked). I can select second gear no problem (big clunk obviously), and the rest of the gears run up and down at speed fine, it's just the first gear that's giving me jip.
Now, I've made sure the clutch is adjusted, I've replaced the cable, engine oil and am about to replace the clutch. This is is strange as I managed 100K from my last XTZ (98 3YF) and the clutch was still fine when I stripped the engine. I therefore thought I would have at least another 20K from this one.
She's been well loved but used hard (on and off road) and been upgraded with the standard engine mods (Kev mod, exhaust, DNA filters etc).

My gut feels there's something ominous going on (gear selector, dog, gear) hence why I'm posting, and I'll try a new clutch anyhow, but would like to know if anyone else has experienced the same problem.
Thanks for reading,
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Old 17-09-18, 19:00
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Chalk Two Chalk Two is offline
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Is the gear selector arm's bolt tight ?

If your gear shifter is loose on the splines it will allow a few more, downward, degrees of travel before a positive selection is made. Also, in this case it will bind or strike the side stand support bracket and prevent a 1st selection.
I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort.
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Old 18-09-18, 13:37
Halgeir Halgeir is offline
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Hi, thank you for the reply.
Curiously that was my first thought.
However, I replaced the gear shift for a Touratech lever a year or so ago (as the old one was loose and worn) and the new one sits extremely tightly to the shaft. I've checked it when it's doing its 'I won't go into first gear' thing and it's not striking the frame at all.
Also, if this was the case, wouldn't it do it all the time?
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