Probably I have made a mistake. My XTR is sold. Almost twenty days I am looking for a new bike and problem is bigger than I have expected. Small budget, wanting to buy new bike and I just can not see myself on different styled bike. My aging is not helping either.
Nearest bike to my budget is Honda CB500X. No test ride in this country. Looking on the spec I am very suspicious. I can live with the performance on the dirt, but on the pavement... XTR is not fast, but I never have problems with overtaking cars, even with pillion on the mountains. OK, on the highways is a little bit different
. However, I don't want to be on the bike with lower spec than XTR.
I am kindly ask for help here. Can someone compare XT and CB? Would you buy CB after enjoying for 10 years your XT?
Thanks friends.
I am open to hear for other bikes also. I am looking more for traveling on pavement, rarely two-up, some modest capacity for dirt roads, lighter better, maintaining 130-140 kmh... Scared to buy used bike. Over analysis become paralysis. I am lost.