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Old 14-02-17, 01:11
TerryV TerryV is offline
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Hid help please

Hey all,

I have a 660x.

Been searching the forum and seen various hid kits that folks have fitted. I have ordered one see link but now little worried.

The kit I have ordered doesn't wire to battery. I saw a thread on here where someone fitted a similar kit and the light didn't always fire up when starting.

Now worried that this kit will kill the starter motor/Reg rectifier and just muller the electrics. When the kit arrives should I just send it back as they accept returns. Is it too hard on the electrics running a kit that doesn't run to the battery? This kit says it's for the XT but take that with a pinch of salt. Ta for advice in advance.


Last edited by TerryV; 14-02-17 at 01:18.
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Old 15-02-17, 14:58
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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I'm not the greatest fan of aftermarket HIDs, but I can't see why that kit wouldn't work? The biggest issue that people often have stems from not running an 'clean' earth from the ballast directly back to the battery. If a ground point is used that is shared by other components you can get strange electrical gremlins due to interference.
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Old 15-02-17, 23:30
TerryV TerryV is offline
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Originally Posted by Pleiades View Post
I'm not the greatest fan of aftermarket HIDs, but I can't see why that kit wouldn't work? The biggest issue that people often have stems from not running an 'clean' earth from the ballast directly back to the battery. If a ground point is used that is shared by other components you can get strange electrical gremlins due to interference.
Me neither to me honest. However it's last resort really. I do lots of night riding and live in country no lighting at all. Tried updated bulbs. 100w bulbs and they are ok but it still frustrates me. Fitted spot lights but I think they glare just as much as hids would.

Must just be a rubbish reflector in the XT. Had a 2006 zx6 before which only ran one headlight on dipped and it was superb.

Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.
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Old 19-02-17, 20:25
firestorm_al firestorm_al is offline
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I tried an HID kit on my 660Z may years ago. The difference in light wasn't worth the hassle.

The HID would have a problem starting in the first place due to the engine cranking over at the same time causing a voltage drop exactly when the HID kit needs most of its power.

The second problem is that on the Z the main beam bulb and dipped beam bulb are not on at the same time. Fine when transitioning from dipped beam to full but if you had been running on the full beam for any lenght of time then switching back to dipped beam plunged you back into darkness while it, hopefully, started again.

I had to run seperate wiring for the HID kit from the battery through a switch on the bars so that could "re-boot" the light if it didn't start up first time which also meant that the kit was on all the time regardless of the high beam setting.

Eventually I ended up putting the lights back to standard and installed a separate set of LED spotlights to give more light when required.


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