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Old 28-03-16, 08:04
Mat1989 Mat1989 is offline
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XT 660 R won't start - advice please??

Good day
I have a Yamaha Xt 660 R 2006 MODEL,
The bike started giving me problems when I drove, it struggled to ride smoothly when I didn't accelerate constantly. So i asked around, and it was most likely the fuel filter in the fuel pump that was clogged or the injector. So I flushed my fuel tank, cleaned the injector, replaced the spark plug, but it just won't start. The fuel pump pumps fuel when I switch on the ignition, the injectors spray fuel when I crank the bike, the spark plug arcs nicely, and I even replaced it, but it just won't start.

If I crank the engine and open my throttle, and then crank the engine again without opening my throttle, it starts for about 3 seconds, but then dies again even if I try to force it by then opening up the throttle, but I mean one isn't suppose to open your throttle to start a fuel injection engine.

Additionally, when I take out the spark plug en crank the engine, it basically puffs out of the whole, but isn't it suppose to kind of puff out a mixture of fuel, like a mist? If I hold my hand over the spark plug hole while cranking the engine, its completely dry, thus I'm thinking fuel supply problem.

Additional to my problem, I have a question, as I took out my fuel pump, disassembled it and cleaned with carb cleaner, it was really dirty. After I reassembled it, when i throw in fuel and hold the tank in the position it would be on the bike, fuel poured out of the fuel pump little plastic connector, is this fine? Because if I recall correctly, when i took of the tank, with fuel inside, the fuel didn't run out of the hose. Im not entirely sure how to ensure correct installation of the vacuum hose line, so that the fuel doesn't run out freely, the fuel pump literally just clicks into place, its not like I could have missed anything.

I know it has to be something small, as I literally cleaned and replaced, i didn't adjust any sensors or angles or nothing.
Please help and thank you for the advice in advance
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Old 29-03-16, 02:42
Petenz Petenz is offline
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been there... with the fuel pooring out the connector line...

what happened to mine was.....
when you put the 2 halfs of the plastic case back togeather
the O-ring that seals the delivery tube halfs is prob sitting on a angle..
you may not have noticed the O-ring as it,s down in the tube & theres a
plastic sleeve that covers it...
fuel is now entering from the tank by-passing the pump &
straight out the fuel out let pipe..

if you can blow though the out let & hear fuel bubbleing... Chances are
the O-ring is not sealing...

and you will have low pressure at the injector as fuel can now
return back to the tank from the pump..

Harley Davidson..
The easyest way to turn gasoline into noise with out the side efect of horse power...

Last edited by Petenz; 29-03-16 at 02:50.
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Old 29-03-16, 07:34
Mat1989 Mat1989 is offline
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Thanks Pete, I reckoned it was something like that as I opened up the fuel pump again to have a look and saw the o-rings was a bit scew. So my question now is, how do I get it to seal? Cause closed it up again, and it still leaking.

Thanks so much for the advice.

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Old 29-03-16, 08:39
Mat1989 Mat1989 is offline
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Thanks for the advise Pete, I quickly made sure that o-ring sealed, and whala!!!

Bike is fixed and better than ever.

Once again thank you .

PS. to the administrators and moderators, this is a great forum!

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Old 31-03-16, 15:32
mafiozakos mafiozakos is offline
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Many thanks Pete you save me lot of time, i had the same problem with mat...I had check everything i had cleaned the injector but the problem was at the o-ring !!! Thanks

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