regarding low 'FOR SALE' posts?
Hi Guys,
I've been into xtx/r models for some years now.
I've owned more than a dozen in various forms of condition from smashed to pristine, quite often I have parts left over and am looking at making steel panels and some other nice mods for the bikes here in the Philippines. (I'm also based in Australia).
My concern is that with a forum of 11,000+ members I can only see a set of triple clamps and a pair of exhausts for sale from ages ago.
How can we (admin I mean) go about offering more items for sale? I would also like to know out of these members how many supporters there are, but the link doesn't work.
I think it's important to have a good trading base for members as parts are rare for these bikes and often overpriced.
maybe some changes can be made so that more members can offer items for sale? maybe have a cap on how many posts a member can have in the 'for sale/trading' section? lower the fees for the supporters or even make a one off lifetime payment that isnt a yearly thing.
just my 2 bobs worth guys. I know being a mod is hard and running a great forum like this isnt for the money. so please understand I do appreciate the great work done by all but was hoping to seea bit more healthy trading between members.
thanks team!