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  # 1  
Old 11-07-15, 20:44
XTRo XTRo is offline
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Spilling gas from breatherhose


my XTZ is spilling gas from the gastank-breatherhose for a while and the dealer hasn't got the right sollution so far ...

Perhaps anybody here has a sollution.

When my bike is parked in the sun for a while, drips of gas are spilling from one of the two tankbreatherhoses. If long and sunny enough, a small stream is under my bike :-(

I;ve asked the dealer to look at it. At first the dealer used pressure air through the hose (in to the tank) thinking a pressurevalve was not working correct. Well that didn't do anything.

Went back to complain and show the still dripping hose.
Then they contacted Yamaha Holland, and after consulting them they gave me a new gastank. Happy with that service, but....

it still spills, even more than before... Only when parked in the sun.
Went back to complain. Now they investigated furder and they found the gastankopening was a bit rough. They suspected that because of the roughness, gas could be pressed up in to the upper breatherhose when pressure in the gastank rises because of sun-heat. So they pollished that plastic part, again after consulting Yamaha Holland.

And now, it still spilllllllls.... Damn!
  # 2  
Old 11-07-15, 21:00
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Does it only do spill out of the breather when the tank is full? Or does it do it regardless of the amount of fuel in the tank?

I see yours is an ABS Ten. They have a completely different tank, much higher with a bulge at the top around the filler cap and a different shape round the front where the battery sits. I am not sure whether the breather exits in the same place as the "normal" bikes, or whether it is in the same position internally? Can you say where it exits, or show a picture?

I suspect maybe the ABS models are more prone to this fuel expansion problem? If they have the same size filler (same part number) neck as the standard bike then, because the higher raised area around the filler, the air space left to accommodate expansion will be much smaller when the tank is filled to the bottom of the neck? Haven't heard anyone with this problem before though...
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Old 12-07-15, 08:53
XTRo XTRo is offline
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Yes it's an abs version.
It doesn't matter how much gas is in the tank; full organisatie almost empty: it spills

"Filler" is the word I was looking for. That is what they've polished.
The breather is located Just below the fillercap.
  # 4  
Old 12-07-15, 09:10
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Very odd?

I would have said there was a leak internally in the breather pipework, but as you've had a new tank, that seems unlikely? If it only does it in hot sunshine them it can only be fuel expansion, or fuel vapour/pressure build-up from evaporation. Even this doesn't sound possible if it does it with a part-full tank?

Try this... Leave the bike in the sun with the filler cap loose - not locked. See what happens and report back.
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Old 12-07-15, 09:26
XTRo XTRo is offline
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Will do!

Sidenote : I don't know what parts they re-used from the first tank. Could be the pipes haven't been replaced. ...
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Old 12-07-15, 11:21
XTRo XTRo is offline
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As requested a picture of the inside:

  # 7  
Old 12-07-15, 12:36
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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That's a completely different system to my 2008 non-abs Tenere. It looks like the opening relies on sealing against the tank cap and venting through the small hole in it. I suspect you filler cap assembly is at fault and this hole is block or has not been drilled properly. This would explain why a new tank didn't cure the problem as they would almost certainly have used your old filler cap.

Try leaving it in the sun with the cap loose like I said. If it doesn't spill out, then I'd suggest a trip to the dealer and get a new filler cap assembly fitted under warranty.
  # 8  
Old 19-07-15, 11:39
XTRo XTRo is offline
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Well this week was, oh so sadly, short of sunshine :-(
but the two days it was sunny showed no spilling :-) (with cap closed by the way)

I realy hope is stays like this. Will report back if it changes
  # 9  
Old 25-07-15, 15:19
XTRo XTRo is offline
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Wel that s#cks.

It keeps spilling any way. Less then before, but it spills..... On top of that my fuelgauge is not getting any info since the dealer polished the filler; it says it's completely full but I could get 22,5 liter in.

I feel like everytime I go to the dealer they mess up something else.

Had a clear and annoyed conversation with the dealer and told them to fix it right for once. No trust in their capabilties anymore.
  # 10  
Old 26-07-15, 01:20
Petenz Petenz is offline
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The only way fuel can come out the breather is if
the end is in the fuel, not the air space above the fuel...
so my thinking is that it is two long.....
remove it have a look at it length....
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