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  # 1  
Old 18-03-15, 19:14
Paul-Kent Paul-Kent is offline
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Castrol R

Can these engines run on R40 or similar
A bike passed me the other day and he left behind the lovely aroma of R
Now I want to leave a trail of loveliness too!

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Old 18-03-15, 20:17
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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In a word - No!

First problem is that to run it as the main lubricant requires a complete strip and flush as Castrol 'R' doesn't mix with conventional mineral or synthetic oils. It produces nasty build ups and will soon wreck your motor. Castrol recommend a solvent flushing oil must be run first. Remember Castrol 'R' is completely different from all other automotive lubricating oils in that it is neither mineral or synthetic, it is extracted from castor seeds (or beans) from the castor oil plant. This is where Castrol got it's name (castor-oil).

Second problem is that it's a straight or monograde oil in either SAE30 (R30) or SAE40 (R40) viscosities. Your lubrication, oil pressure and flow will be dramatically affected during cold starts amongst various other associated problems. It is also marketed as a "one use only" oil. In other words, you use it for one race meeting in a 4-stroke engine, then change it.

Third problem is that these days it is VERY expensive!

When you say you liked the smell when a bike passed you, the likelihood was that it was a 2-stroke running Castrol R I would guess? Assuming a 4-stroke motor is not worn and does not burn oil, or is working on a pre-war positive loss lubrication system, you won't smell it anyway.

An old trick, which I have used myself, was to add a capful of 'R' to as full tank of fuel in a 4-stroke engine to give the aroma. Back in the fifties and sixties a lot of folk did it under the misguided notion that it gave a little extra top-end lubrication. It didn't, but smelt good!

This trick won't work too well with a modern fuel injected engine with a catalyst and O2 sensor. Adding 'R' will clog up your injector, ruin your cat and stop your O2 sensor working over time. I've only ever done it on old carb-fed British bikes from the 50s/60s and only ever for the occasional hit!
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Old 18-03-15, 20:35
steveD steveD is offline
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Blimey, those were the days. Used to go to watch Speedway in Hull and the smell was fab. At the time I had a 500cc Norton and a couple of taspoons full of cooking oil mixed into the fuel would make the exhaust smell like Castrol R (or a fish and chip shop!)

PS this was 35 years ago!
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Old 18-03-15, 20:40
greatescape greatescape is offline
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Hi Paul, Castrol R is really a competition oil for older engines that are regularly stripped down and rebuilt....not recommended for a (relatively ) modern engine like the XT. Back in the day, to get that lovely aroma from my Mini I used to syringe some into the silencer, once warm it was mmmmm Castrol R!! Steve
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Old 18-03-15, 20:52
Paul-Kent Paul-Kent is offline
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The bike in question was a modern supermoto, didn't get the chance to see what it was as it was flying!!
I too used to stick some in my cars back in the day, It looks like I need to get myself an RD to satisfy my urge !!!

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Old 18-03-15, 21:21
Mort Mort is offline
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Old 19-03-15, 09:41
Petenz Petenz is offline
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If yer want to smell like a speedway bike...
put a bit of caster oil in yer fuel tank...

we use to use a caster in the jawa 2 valve & westlake speedway motors
the motors had a total loss lube system... oil from tank/though motor then
spat out the bottom onto the track..
The motor lasted longer on a good synthetic oil "Agip Synt 2000"
Harley Davidson..
The easyest way to turn gasoline into noise with out the side efect of horse power...
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Old 19-03-15, 12:22
harryP harryP is offline
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As has been said, DON'T DO IT. I utterly ruined my MGC 3ltr Roadster back in the 70's chasing that lovely smell!
  # 9  
Old 25-03-15, 10:43
this_is_the_bbc this_is_the_bbc is offline
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I used to put a couple of caps of Castrol R40 into the petrol tank of my old XLR250, it smelled just like the old Castrol R,... LOVELY!
That did however have a carburettor, no problems,
when i got my fuel injected XT660R, I tried it in that... BIG MISTAKE!!
I managed to clean it out ok, no damage done, I've since sold the XLR,
so i now just put some in my lawnmower, it makes mowing the lawn a far
more pleasurable experience!

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