As you may have read elsewhere, it has become apparent that there are a number of MY2009 XT660Z T�n�r�s that have suffered from premature gearbox failure, usually the dogs shearing on either third or fourth gear. I don�t want to make anyone unduly worried; this appears only to be a problem with a small batch of 2009 built XTZ models, it doesn�t seem to affect XTX, XTR, or for that matter XTZ models from any other years apart from 2009. We are only talking of seven bikes identified on this forum (which has over 10,000 members), so no need to panic! However, there does seem to be a pattern developing that�s worth investigating further and possibly pursuing with Yamaha, especially so if you had the misfortune to suffered a broken gearbox, or perhaps own a 2009 T�n�r� with sticky gears, false neutrals etc.
What I am attempting to do is build an accurate picture of what is happening, and in particular try and determine if there is any pattern to the failures in order to put a case to Yamaha on behalf of all the owners who have suffered this issue. There is greater strength in numbers and when you have the facts at hand.
If you currently (or have) owned a T�n�r� that has had a gearbox failure, I would be very grateful if you could supply me with some basic details of the bike concerned. If you no longer own the bike, it would still be really helpful if you could still provide the details (or as much as you can remember) if you can.
In order to put a valid case to Yamaha, I realistically need as many sets of VIN and engine numbers as possible. The more details we get, the more forcefully I will be able to pursue the issue with Yamaha and the more likely that they will investigate it further, which at this stage, I would suggest is the main aim.
So, if you are one of the unlucky few, and you can help, then please provide me details in the following format by PM (for obvious security reasons):
Forum member/owner:
Engine number:
VIN number:
Date of first registration:
Country of registration:
Odometer reading at time of failure:
Date of failure:
Gear failed:
Note: Do not post this information on the open forum.
Many thanks. I�ll do what I can, as much as anything, because I know how I�d feel if the same misfortune befell me.