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Old 23-10-14, 01:13
Simon Simon is offline
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using axel stands?

I've seen a few guys using axel stands under the foot pegs when supporting the bike, i've looked back and can't find the posts i serched when i came across them, but anyway my question is simply how are you getting the bike on the stands?
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Old 23-10-14, 09:24
ChrisHX ChrisHX is offline
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I saw that in a post recently and after trying to modify my homemade stand that used for my Versys and son's Varadero 125, I gave up and got some axle stands but haven't tried to use them yet. Might still try to modify my stand but could do with changing tyres on the Tenere so will try axle stands for now. I guess the idea is to push bike over to one side put stand under footrest, then go to other side and push/lift and put other axle stand under that footrest. Sounds a bit dodgy though ... The other alternative is pay big bucks for a centre stand?
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Old 23-10-14, 14:19
keithy2 keithy2 is offline
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axel stands

Originally Posted by ChrisHX View Post
I saw that in a post recently and after trying to modify my homemade stand that used for my Versys and son's Varadero 125, I gave up and got some axle stands but haven't tried to use them yet. Might still try to modify my stand but could do with changing tyres on the Tenere so will try axle stands for now. I guess the idea is to push bike over to one side put stand under footrest, then go to other side and push/lift and put other axle stand under that footrest. Sounds a bit dodgy though ... The other alternative is pay big bucks for a centre stand?
I have seen stands at race meetings that act like a centre stand ie you stand on a lever which pulls the bike over the centre point, i bet they are dear though. I have a yam main stand on my tenere its great but it does bounce repeatedly against the swinging arm when you travel over rough ground.
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Old 23-10-14, 16:02
Simon Simon is offline
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I did think centre stand but my bash plate hides the mounting bolts. And using it off road I just consider it something else to break.

I've a cheap rear paddock stand and do wonder about lifting the bike with that then putting the axel stands in place, I also thought possibly positioning the stands against the pegs and rolling the bike onto the stands (similar to how the centre stand operates)

I have tried using a car jack but find the bike far to unstable to trust that method. I suppose if you take things slow you could use a jack under each peg?
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Old 23-10-14, 16:02
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Originally Posted by Simon View Post
I've seen a few guys using axel stands under the foot pegs when supporting the bike, i've looked back and can't find the posts i serched when i came across them, but anyway my question is simply how are you getting the bike on the stands?
Not so sure this idea isn't going to end in disaster, what with the folding foot pegs on an XT?

I do use axle stands to prop up the BSA, but that has old school solid pegs.
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Old 23-10-14, 17:18
Simon Simon is offline
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My bad I didn't make it to clear, yes your right the foot pegs do fold, but the mounting bracket protrudes out and is pretty solid looking, I was intending to use the the bracket as opposed to the peg it self.

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