error code 30-bike went down? also 0.0 voltage but fully charged-advice?
hi Guys, I'm having a terrible time getting my xt to start after its been sitting a few months.Fault codes come up as 13 21 and 30.. (coolant temp sensor- air temp sensor and "bike went down". also the battery voltage reads 0.0 despite battery being fully charged and all fuses grounds good...
ive had the bike fully stripped down and have all connections correct. It will fire on aerostart but not on the fuel only.
Ive swapped fuel pumps/ filter screens and dropped the injector out and its spraying ok. (dont have a way of checking actual pressure at the moment.
Im really at a loss here. next step will be to fit an online filter and remove the intank filter in case its blocked...
I really need this bike running and need some advive!!!!