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  # 1  
Old 19-08-14, 20:42
Rhysj123 Rhysj123 is offline
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Desperate need of chain and sprocket help

Hi all,

Currently riding across the states and stupidly didn't check my chain for a while, looked down today and it's loose as hell, metal shavings all over the back wheel and the teeth look worn. Actually I don't know if they are confirmed worn or not but a few look like the ends have crumbled so im guessing they need replacing. I've adjusted the chain so it's within 2 inches again but I'm loathed to move on with the sprocket looking bad, I've got the mrs on the back and long distances to cover, could do without the chain snapping and taking us both down, I'd never hear the end of it.

Problem is I'm in the states and no one has heard of a tenere, not even the yamaha dealers. No one can help me out with an after market as they're got no idea if it will fit properly. I've got the haynes with me so read out the sizes but they don't know if anything they find will bolt on correctly.

Anyone got any ideas........im thinking a specific set that is available in the states? I've found a renthal set in the uk but I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere at the moment and don't fancy waiting for it to arrive. If I can tell a garage a USA part they can have it tomorrow.

Any help would be hugely appreciated here.


  # 2  
Old 19-08-14, 22:31
Ohlins Ohlins is offline
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Check your chain slider is not worn though and the metal shavings are not form the swing arm?

Sounds weird to have shavings on the back wheel I must say...

Let us know how you get on?

All the best

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Old 19-08-14, 22:54
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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FYI The part numbers you need are:

Front sprocket: 5VK-E7460-10 (15T)
Rear sprocket: 5VK-25445-01 (45T)
Chain: 9456X-08110 (520/110L)

Go to a Yamaha dealer and see what they can find that matches.

However, it's worth noting that the MT-03 was a US bike until a couple of years ago, so parts will be available for it from any Yamaha dealer. The front sprocket is the identical to the XT and the rear is the same but a 47T version.

As for the chain, any 520 pitch 110 link one will do and should be easy to get hold of in the US (although you might need an extra link if you use the a 47T rear).
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Old 20-08-14, 04:35
bikemad195 bikemad195 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rhysj123 View Post
Hi all,

Currently riding across the states and stupidly didn't check my chain for a while, looked down today and it's loose as hell, metal shavings all over the back wheel and the teeth look worn. Actually I don't know if they are confirmed worn or not but a few look like the ends have crumbled so im guessing they need replacing. I've adjusted the chain so it's within 2 inches again but I'm loathed to move on with the sprocket looking bad, I've got the mrs on the back and long distances to cover, could do without the chain snapping and taking us both down, I'd never hear the end of it.

Problem is I'm in the states and no one has heard of a tenere, not even the yamaha dealers. No one can help me out with an after market as they're got no idea if it will fit properly. I've got the haynes with me so read out the sizes but they don't know if anything they find will bolt on correctly.

Anyone got any ideas........im thinking a specific set that is available in the states? I've found a renthal set in the uk but I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere at the moment and don't fancy waiting for it to arrive. If I can tell a garage a USA part they can have it tomorrow.

Any help would be hugely appreciated here.


Metal shavings ? I would be checking youre not cutting through the top of youre swing arm . Would also check the little pully under the swing arm ....BUT i would mainly be looking at the sprocket carrier and see if the bearings have xollapsed in it which would reault in bits of metal and also a very slack chain .... and it seen that as quiet common on here
Yamaha xt660x 2009 blue/gold mods= iridium plug, stage1+2, removed snorkel, blocked ais, akrapovric pipes, power commander pc3usb (pre made map), adjusted tps, dynojet 02 optimiser 30amp aux relay, smoked puig screen, oxford heated grips and brembo carbon ceramic pads, rfx 30mm bar raisers, puig long adjustable leavers, plus much more and a cheep �30 alarm which stopped it been stolen
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Old 20-08-14, 16:52
Rhysj123 Rhysj123 is offline
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Thanks for the replies everyone. Got jtsprockets on order from amazon so hopefully be on my way again soon. I'll give swing arm a good check as well well I'm at it.


  # 6  
Old 20-08-14, 20:59
assenvas assenvas is offline
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Would recommend no matter what the visual state of the chain is to change it also along with the sprockets as otherwise you risk to damage them quickly and soon you will be in the same situation. Old chain is significantly reducing the life of new sprocket.

Safe ride.
that is how i feel about my XTR
Mods so far:
Hyperpro front springs; Hyperpro rear shock spring; modified air box; LED tail light; LED indicators + new relay; YZ pegs; Lucas aluminum bar; brisk spark plug; snorkel removed; DNA stage 1; second hand DynoJet O2 mod; crash bars; front and rear steel braided brake lines; soft EBC brake pads; mitas 07 tyres, 2in1 Metal Mule exhaust, Blocked AIS, tall OEM screen, OTR bash plate

Last edited by assenvas; 20-08-14 at 21:07.
  # 7  
Old 21-08-14, 01:08
Rhysj123 Rhysj123 is offline
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Thanks man, chain has been ordered as well as it looks knackered.

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