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THE BASEMENT - UNMODERATED This unmoderated section of forum is for Jokes, funny pictures and videos. It's also for members who like to tease each other for fun. No serious stuff, if anyone gets offended, they should sort it out amongst each other. Peace!

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  # 1  
Old 05-12-13, 19:56
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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RIP Paper Tax Disc

paper tax disc.

From October 1st 2014 no more paper tax discs will be issued thanks to Mr Osborne.


Personally, I'm glad. You will be able to pay by continuous direct debit and it has always been a conundrum as to where to put disc disc holders on the bikes I've owned over the years. They've got wet, fallen off, been stolen...
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Old 06-12-13, 01:17
Sandman Sandman is offline
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What am I gonna do with my expensive, fully waterproof Oberon tax disc holder??????

I've even got an unused one for my GS in the garage!!!

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Old 06-12-13, 17:10
waynovetten waynovetten is offline
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Having not put a tax disc on a bike in the last 25 years and might be more than that!! but carried it in my wallet it'll make no difference to me
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Old 06-12-13, 20:12
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Originally Posted by waynovetten View Post
Having not put a tax disc on a bike in the last 25 years and might be more than that!! but carried it in my wallet it'll make no difference to me
Breaking the law for 25 years - you naughty boy!
  # 5  
Old 07-12-13, 00:52
waynovetten waynovetten is offline
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Now that would a new thread how many convictions have you had!!!
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Old 07-12-13, 17:21
SimonRoma SimonRoma is offline
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Hahaha well I too have never fitted mine either.....oooops
(Now sold on, sob) 2011 Blue XT660X with gold wheels, was 26,500 km.
Engine mods: K&N Stage 1 filter, DNA Stage 2 filter, snorkel removed, Kev fuel mod fitted.
Plus: smoked Puig screen, Yam aluminium sump guard, Yamaha / Acerbis handguards, Givi Trekker aluminium side cases, Leo Vince X3 cans plus Kev front fork mod and Fender Xtender. Just fitted Michelin Road Pilot 3 tyres.

SOLD the XTX for a Super Ten 1200. And just bought a Raptor 700 so staying on here for some tips....
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Old 08-12-13, 10:49
-ralph- -ralph- is offline
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Brilliant news, but I think it will lead to more untaxed vehicles as people stick it on direct debit and forget about it and something at the DVLA, the bank, or the available funds in the account screws it up.

For the first half of ths year one of my bikes was uninsured because the insurance broker failed to place the policy with the underwriter, but they sent me all the paperwork and were taking the direct debit for the other policy, so I never noticed that I wasn't paying for the second one. The insurance company said they would have honoured a claim as it wasn't my fault, but if stopped by the police I would have been riding uninsured and in he eyes of the law hat would be the end of it, my responsibility.

At least with the bit of paper, if you have it, you've paid for it, no argument.
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Old 08-12-13, 10:53
-ralph- -ralph- is offline
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PS: if its going to reduce administration costs will the cost to the motorist go down?
  # 9  
Old 08-12-13, 13:52
waynovetten waynovetten is offline
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Originally Posted by -ralph- View Post
Brilliant news, but I think it will lead to more untaxed vehicles as people stick it on direct debit and forget about it and something at the DVLA, the bank, or the available funds in the account screws it up.

For the first half of ths year one of my bikes was uninsured because the insurance broker failed to place the policy with the underwriter, but they sent me all the paperwork and were taking the direct debit for the other policy, so I never noticed that I wasn't paying for the second one. The insurance company said they would have honoured a claim as it wasn't my fault, but if stopped by the police I would have been riding uninsured and in he eyes of the law hat would be the end of it, my responsibility.

At least with the bit of paper, if you have it, you've paid for it, no argument.
We'll my take on it nothing will change apart from printing the paper disc,you'll get the same renewal in the post and pay the same way.
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Old 08-12-13, 13:59
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Originally Posted by -ralph- View Post
PS: if its going to reduce administration costs will the cost to the motorist go down?
Wishful thinking! There's ZERO chance of that happening!

Personally, I think the biggest headache that will come with the withdrawal of the paper disc is that it's going to be more of a chore checking that a secondhand bike (or car) is taxed or not. At the moment it's easy to verify a vehicle advertised as being "taxed"; you just look at the disc. No disc = no tax.

From October 2014 you'll have to search the "Vehicle Enquiry" database on the www.taxdisc.gov.uk website inputting the registration and make to check it's taxed.

Even proving the vehicle has an MOT is a bit of a grey area these days, as no one is issued with a certificate anymore, all you get is an A4 printed receipt "telling you that the pass result has been entered in the VOSA database". You actually need to verfiy the test is genuine at www.direct.gov.uk/check-mot-status to be sure it is valid (as the A4 print out is very easy to forge).

All extra faff when buying secondhand.

Last edited by Pleiades; 08-12-13 at 14:19.

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