dam throttle cables!
I've got the weirdest�.most stupidest problem with my throttle cables!!
Due to being tall, I use shim stack risers plus Dakar high bars. So ages ago when I fitted them I had my throttle cables sent off to be lengthened at Venhill. I did this as I had read somewhere that the cables wouldn�t properly reach (on full lock etc). I had them lengthened by 75mm. cost about �65
75mm was way too long! The routing was a nightmare, the cables used to catch on the the bar that goes from the headstock to the light cowl (which used to lock the throttle)
So using Zip ties as guides I made my own routing, the zip ties stopped the cables kinking and hence jamming. But�..every now and then, on corners, I swear I felt the throttle stick just for a nano second. Not a nice feeling.
Im doing a bigish service on the bike at the mo, so thought I would send them back to Venhill and getting them shortened by about 30mm (so there now around 45mm longer than standard). Cost �25.
Can I get them to work�..can I balls!!!! the throttle needs to snap back with the bars in three positions�.left, centre and right. I cant get the all three positions to snap back properly.
The closets I've got is the throttle snapping back with the bars straight on, and quite well while left and right. But that�s with zero free play�and no room left on any adjuster (grip end or throttle body end).
I now realise that I should of got the cables lengthened in the first place by about 10 -15mm�.thats all. I think I'm going to send them back again�.spend another �25�and get them shortened another 20mm (which will put them at around 20mm longer than standard)
So don�t get making the mistake I've made!!