Overheating problem
Hey guys and gals first post on the forum so Hi to everyone. didnt think this would be my first post be here goes. Had the XT for about 6 months with no problems at all, was riding home last night and i felt my leg burning, look down and blue liquid was pouring out down the side of the bike. pulled over in a cloud of smoke to see a hose had popped off the engine, which was my coolant i assume as my coolant bottle was empty when i checked.
So i reclamped the hose on with the supplied yamaha tools (came in handy for once) and rode 10 mile to get home, when i got home the temp light was NOT on but the rad fan was on.
Filled up the coolant bottle and thought everything would be ok, took it out for a ride and everything seemed fine so thought i had got off lucky, got to work this morning and rad fan was on again, still got plenty of coolant in the bottle but bike is getting very hot.
is there anything else i need to do / try, not had this bike long, so dont know all to much about it yet.
any help would be much appretiated
will try upload a pic of the pipe that popped off after work