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XT660X & XT660R General Discussions General discussion related to XTX & XTR Only

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  # 11  
Old 25-02-14, 01:16
ballamona1 ballamona1 is offline
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spark plug

I have not had my 2008 XTR for long when I replaced the plug with an iridium cr7 plug which I got of Ebay I fitted it I found that the engine did not preform as well as it did prior to changing it. The engine started ok etc but before the bike would happy to run at 45mph in top and accelerate without hesitation but with the new plug the engine had developed a flat spot at the same speed on the same road.
When I got back home I check the original plug that came out of the bike that's when I found that it was a CR8 that was fitted. I swapped the plugs and she running sweet again then tried the new plug again and the flat spot was back.
Since then I have done a bit more checking by going onto the NGK web site I now believe the plug I got of ebay was a counterfeit. How you can tell the difference the original has Russian description on the box the plug comes in and counterfeit has not other than that they look the same. you can get all the details off the NGK web site, it is worth a look So heaven only knows what grade the counterfeit was.
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  # 12  
Old 25-02-14, 09:03
Tony Butcher Tony Butcher is offline
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Is it in my mind? Possibly? All I know is I changed the plug from a cr7 to a cr8 and tried to simulate the previous ride ride out, main roads, green lanes and town riding... All I can say.. For me... Is the bike just seemed happier, not as difficult to slow ride, I had it gears I wouldn't normally and accelerated, it pulled smoothly... A vast improvement. The motor cycle shop in Sheffield said i got it from them serviced, although the plug i took out was not new? Perhaps a new cr7 would have done the same or I am just getting used to the bike? I know this reply is vague? But you know when something feels different.. For the better, that's how it feels.... Tony

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