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  # 1  
Old 07-08-13, 21:24
supatrig supatrig is offline
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Just taken my X out for a spin after not using it for 6 weeks due to a back problem. All good for a few miles then it just died on me. Managed to start it again after a few minutes but only got into third before dying again. I checked the plug and managed to limp home but it was spluttering and backfiring it went for 30 seconds then stalled but would restart and then do the same again. I fitted a Kev mod about 25 miles ago. Could this be the problem? It also smelled a bit hot when I got home. Any ideas?
  # 2  
Old 07-08-13, 21:35
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Hi I can't see a problem with the Kev Mod. unless it was fitted incorrectly, I would suspect after 6 weeks of inactivity that maybe moisture or dump have worked their way in some of the wiring loop usual suspects are those under the tank. Lift the tank and inspect wires and jumpers for corrosion. Any green growth that shouldn't be there should be brushed off with a wire brush, then rinse connections with WD40 allow to dry and start again. Meantime I am directing Kev to this thread as he can give you other pointers in relation to your issue.
  # 3  
Old 08-08-13, 11:52
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Is the fuel mod fitted exactly as shown in the fitting instructions? You only cut one wire the Blue/Black you then connect each cut wire to either side of the connector block, one Blue/Black to one orange wire & the other Blue/Black wire to the other orange wire.

Is there any fault lamp on which would mean it has logged a fault code.

How old is the fuel in the tank.

I would spray some WD as mentioned, I would also check your side stand switch as it would display the same symptoms as described, hold the bike upright & spray some WD on the switch pin & move the side stand up & down.
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Mods that I have done to my XTX's

My 04 XTX
Stage 1 & 2 DNA filters / Kev fuel mod / snorkel mod / Drilled air box mod / Engine breather mod / Fork Spacer mod / 15w fork oil /
My 07 XTX
Raptor 700 cylinder 102mm / Modified Crank Case to take a 105mm Raptor Cylinder / 11:1 102mm JE Raptor piston / Stage 1 Raptor Hot Cam / Ported head / Colder Spark Plug / +2mm Throttle body / DNA stage 1 & 2 filters / Modified Air Box / Snorkel removed / Worry Brothers stage 2 filter cover / 6mm & 8mm Bolts Replaced with Titanium Bolts / Recovered seat in Black / O2 Eliminator /

My 09 XTX
59HP at the rear wheel / Stage 2 Raptor Hot Cam / DNA stage 3 Air Box / Carbon Can Exhausts / Modified Exhaust Link Pipes / PCIII With Custom Fuel Map / Wideband Commander O2 Data logger / LCD100 Dyno Jet display & fuel adjuster / 2500 OHM HT lead instead of a 10K OHM XT lead / Extra Coolant Cooler / Protaper Fat Bars / Tail Tidy With LED Tail Light / OKE Protection Knobs / LED indicators / AIS blocked / Modified rear sprocket rubbers / Rear Foot Pegs removed / 09 ECU With 02 Sensor Changed To A 06 ECU / Complete wiring harnes Changed from 09 to 04 / Home made LED resistor flasher / Hole drilled in the fuel tank filler neck to allow quicker filling / Modified Bar End Weights / Progressive front fork springs, 15W fork oil, forks lowered 25mm, used XTR rear links lowering the rear 20mm, rear spring one click stiffer / Changed front & rear guards from blue to black / 47T rear sprocket / Speedo Healer V4.0 / Kev throttle cam mod / Throttle grip mod / The new 2010 O2 sensor mod is out, works a treat, The new 2012 O2 Controller is out, PM me for details

Now ride a 2018 MT09SP ABS + TCS

My KTM 990 SMR Mod book. http://www.ktmsmt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4946

  # 4  
Old 08-08-13, 15:03
Lebox Lebox is offline
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Very similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago, except the bike didn't smell hot. Mine didn't have the Kev mod. Did all the checks the guys have mentioned but still had no joy. Problem was with the plug, couldn't see any problem but when I put a new one in she fired up and ran ok
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Old 08-08-13, 19:14
supatrig supatrig is offline
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Thanks for the quick response, I didn't mean to imply the Kev mod was at fault I think it's just coincidence. I have checked the wiring and all is ok. I know the mod is working as the improvement is huge. I think a new plug will be my first stop as the problem is spluttering and mis firing, I just wanted to check I hadn't done anything stupid. There are no warning lights or fault codes so I assume its nothing to major. Thanks for the advice, I'll let you know when I find the problem.
  # 6  
Old 08-08-13, 23:20
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Let us know how you get on, also get some fresh fuel in your bike most fuels start to go off after 4 weeks in a tank.
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Mods that I have done to my XTX's

My 04 XTX
Stage 1 & 2 DNA filters / Kev fuel mod / snorkel mod / Drilled air box mod / Engine breather mod / Fork Spacer mod / 15w fork oil /
My 07 XTX
Raptor 700 cylinder 102mm / Modified Crank Case to take a 105mm Raptor Cylinder / 11:1 102mm JE Raptor piston / Stage 1 Raptor Hot Cam / Ported head / Colder Spark Plug / +2mm Throttle body / DNA stage 1 & 2 filters / Modified Air Box / Snorkel removed / Worry Brothers stage 2 filter cover / 6mm & 8mm Bolts Replaced with Titanium Bolts / Recovered seat in Black / O2 Eliminator /

My 09 XTX
59HP at the rear wheel / Stage 2 Raptor Hot Cam / DNA stage 3 Air Box / Carbon Can Exhausts / Modified Exhaust Link Pipes / PCIII With Custom Fuel Map / Wideband Commander O2 Data logger / LCD100 Dyno Jet display & fuel adjuster / 2500 OHM HT lead instead of a 10K OHM XT lead / Extra Coolant Cooler / Protaper Fat Bars / Tail Tidy With LED Tail Light / OKE Protection Knobs / LED indicators / AIS blocked / Modified rear sprocket rubbers / Rear Foot Pegs removed / 09 ECU With 02 Sensor Changed To A 06 ECU / Complete wiring harnes Changed from 09 to 04 / Home made LED resistor flasher / Hole drilled in the fuel tank filler neck to allow quicker filling / Modified Bar End Weights / Progressive front fork springs, 15W fork oil, forks lowered 25mm, used XTR rear links lowering the rear 20mm, rear spring one click stiffer / Changed front & rear guards from blue to black / 47T rear sprocket / Speedo Healer V4.0 / Kev throttle cam mod / Throttle grip mod / The new 2010 O2 sensor mod is out, works a treat, The new 2012 O2 Controller is out, PM me for details

Now ride a 2018 MT09SP ABS + TCS

My KTM 990 SMR Mod book. http://www.ktmsmt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4946

  # 7  
Old 10-08-13, 12:53
supatrig supatrig is offline
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I have tested the plug and it had an orange spark, so I just bought a new one and that also has an orange spark. The bike starts but I've not had a chance to warm it up properly yet. CDI ?
  # 8  
Old 10-08-13, 14:45
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Originally Posted by supatrig View Post
I just bought a new one and that also has an orange spark.
A reddish/orange spark is usually a sign of low HT voltage; quite often a sympton of poor grounding (earth) or a weak coil, but could be the HT lead, plug or plug cap.

Your old and new plugs could both be making an orange spark just because the point at which you are test earthing them is not great (paint, lacquer etc. getting in the way.)
  # 9  
Old 10-08-13, 14:47
bluecoup bluecoup is offline
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Could be damp ? If its been outside getting wet ?
Try wd40 where the ht lead comes out the coil
you win some, lose some, crash some
K+N filter, snorkel removed, homemade kev mod (with his blessing), co raised,
Pipeworx cans, r1 led back light, under tray removed, small indicators, handguards, cnc short levers,
  # 10  
Old 18-08-13, 17:56
supatrig supatrig is offline
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Thanks for the excellent advice, just had a good thrash with a new plug and everything is fine. Think i'll carry a spare from now on.

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