Today in the post I received a comedy insurance renewal quote from Carole Nash, get this...
"We are unable to provide a quotation from your usual insurer, we are pleased to recommend Aviva Insurance Ltd, at a cost of �229.26 with a compulsory excess of �500 as this
product is priced competitively compared with other products available."
My arse competitive!
Same bike, same rider, same maximum NCD, same everything in fact, except me and the Z are a year older and wiser. Last year it was �86.38 with a �150 excess. Well F-me, that's a 265% increase in premium and 333% increase in excess! Oh yes, I did phone a check (half expecting to find they've got me down as having fitted a supercharged Hayabusa motor) and was informed that my details, cover and quote are correct and above board!
Quick visit to MCN Compare and Bennetts came out with identical comprehensive cover at �72.99 and �100 excess.
What the hell's going on at Carole Nash?