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XT660Z Exhausts Available exhusts for the new Tenere

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Old 27-11-10, 22:23
Peatbog Peatbog is offline
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Single Can & Toolpod

Thought I'd share my little winter project with you folks, all comments welcome!

There's been plenty talk of a single can/toolpod setup for the Ten' since it came out, and I want one too, i've looked at every aftermarket exhaust i can find for this bike, and the only one i like the look of is the GPR system, but it's stupidly priced and therefore far too expensive to chop up, and even then the cans are a bit too long for my liking really. Others just don't look right because the cans or pipes don't follow the lines of the bike properly IMO.

Tony660X put a set of CarbonCanCo stubbies off Meach's old bike in the For Sale section on here, just the style i wanted - short with a carbon fibre body, figured I could make it work, lets have a go.

The left can is to be the exhaust, with the toolpod on the right, seems to be widely accepted as the sensible, simplest way to do it.

Only thing is, I dont want it loud. now there's a challenge.

I've gutted the 'exhaust' can, altered the internals to something similar to (though not as restrictive as) a standard exhaust, and repacked it with new stuffing.

i've not done anything inside the right side can yet, that can wait until i've got the other one properly finished, that way i've a spare incase my plan hasn't worked with the other one, after all i only need the skin and the ends for the toolpod.

They are now hung on the bike, and whaddya know- i reckon the cans are exactly the right length! sweeet! As an added bonus, there's space between the cans to fit a ToolTube, which i just happen to have lying around...

next is to make the linkpipe, i can do that no problem at work, but the problem is getting the bike to my work when there's 8 inches of snow outside, and it hasn't got an exhaust so cant be ridden. watch this space.

Some pics for now

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Old 28-11-10, 05:18
stuxtttr stuxtttr is offline
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Thumbs up

looks great
Ride On :tenere:Camel 2008XT660Z
harvey mushman did it in the dirt Uma 1994 TT250R
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Old 28-11-10, 08:49
enduro374 enduro374 is offline
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Nice one. Interested to see the finished items..
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Old 28-11-10, 11:29
Loopydog Loopydog is offline
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Like it .... a lot.
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Old 28-11-10, 22:34
JMo JMo is offline
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Looking good, and nice to see you back in the workshop ol' fella... anything happen with that chain-guide design btw?

J x
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Old 29-11-10, 09:20
Peatbog Peatbog is offline
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Allo . I think 'workshop' is a bit grand for a draughty shed with a tarp to keep the snow out, but thanks for the sentiment!

Aye, chainguide. I've not done anything with just yet, profiles have been lying in the bottom drawer since they and the others finally got cut by those muppets. I'll put it together and let you know.

You sold yours yet?
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Old 29-11-10, 09:36
JMo JMo is offline
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Not sold the Ten' yet, no... I did have a guy who wanted it (for Heroes-Legend next year), but at the moment I want to hang onto it, as I have an idea...

And as others have said, it would be a shame to sell it after all I've done with it? - and to buy another at some point just wouldn't make sense...

As for the chain guide, I reckon you'd sell quite a few of those?

Looking forward to the progress with the single can/tool tube arrangement!

Jen xx
"Where we're going, we don't need roads..."

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Old 29-11-10, 10:26
tripletom tripletom is offline
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Looks tidy Pete, I had the same thought when I saw them for sale, but didn't have the ��. When I made the single link pipe up for mine I used a couple of 45's and a section I had from a Remus Firestorm link pipe for the clamp. I managed to get the lines as you have, rather than the less aesthetically pleasing single silencer lines that some of the other single and twin tails have.
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Old 12-12-10, 22:40
Peatbog Peatbog is offline
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Seeing as i really dont want it loud, i decided to work on the volume before making the proper link pipe.

i made a short link to put the can straight onto the midpipe next to the rear shock - turns out the 2" pipe is just the right size to go into the can, i just had to flare the other end up (to 49.5mm ID if you want to know) to slip on.


I fired it up to have a listen, and.... oooh thats a bit naughty. It seemed really loud, then it occurred to me that in a confined space (an 8ft square shed) anything will seem loud. I've got a db meter app on my iphone thingy so i decided to get technical - measured the sound level with the standard exhaust, the standard CCC can, and the modified can. Odd thing is, at idle they are all about the same, within 3-4db of each other. i cant help wondering if the echo in the shed is making the results worthless so i've pretty much ignored the 'scientific' bit for now

Going by ear the difference is when i blip the thottle - the standard exhaust is the quietest (obviously) the std CCC can has the usual bark to it, but my modded can is between the two.

It was still on the loud side though, so i made another short link- this time with a a baffle made of perforated tube capped off to force the gas to pass through the perf. holes. Try and ignore the dodgy welding please - i did it in a hurry as i was finishing up at work!

pic shows the two short links - i'm sure i dont need to tell you which ones which.

With the baffled pipe its actually quieter at idle than the standard exhaust, i can only wait and see whether its at the expense of gas flow/restriction - time to make a proper link pipe.

on the subject of the link pipe - while rooting round in the shed (looking for something else) i found the link pipe from the CarbonCan i had on my '03 Fazer 600.

it seems to be a pretty good fit, almost too good! it follows the line of the bike pretty damn well and even is the right length to point at the midpipe, total fluke.

i just need to sort the bottom end of the link pipe and then i can ride it and see!

more later
  # 10  
Old 12-12-10, 23:45
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Looks very good so far.

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