The speedo's mystery (11d1)
Ok, what I�m going to report sounds incredible, but I love numbers and I�m sort of fond about calculations and ratios, instruments and gauges. Moreover: one of the first things I look at when I ride a new bike (and I've bought quite a lot of them in my life), is taking a look at the ratio between speed in kph and rpm/1000.
That said, here's what happened:
my new T�n�r� (white 11d1 with 20 days� life and 1,700 km on the odo, in case you wonder) usually shows a speed of about 82 kph at 3,000 rpm, about 108 kph at 4,000 (it�s not so precise, but it seems to be a common pattern to most electronically operated speedo�s, including my Husky�s). Well, on Friday afternoon I rode to Marsala (about 70 km from my place) and during all the ride, the speedo was reading 75 kph at 3,000 rpm, 100 kph at 4,000. I double checked using my watch and the motorway km signs: it was perfect (40 seconds at 90 kph for one km). Stopover in Marsala and on the ride back it was back to �normal�: 82 kph at 3,000 and so on, with the usual speedo error. The instruments check was normal and I always wait for it to be completed. I know, hard to believe, but that�s it. Any clues or similar experiences?