Best Wishes and Seasons Greetings
Wishing all XT owners/riders/dreamers the best for the holiday season and hoping to read more of your adventures, modification and humour in the new year.
As a big A Atheist, it is probably surprising to learn that I believe in this season of ODIN. Odin was the pre Christian Scandinavian god that flew a chariot across the sky, lead by fire breathing eight legged war horse (mmmm someone else has something drawn by 8). Odin was celebrated around the shortest day of the year.
Now this probably all sounds very familiar but it doesn't end there. Odin also has a long grey beard and is known for knowledge, he is all seeing and all knowing. You could say, he knows who is naughty and nice.
dness and revenge from Odin is not very surprising. He also rewards the good and smites the bad. Should I discuss the Valkyries? Those beautiful winged women that decend from the skies, or would that confuse the followers of later religions with the pagian angels that started it all.
Ambivalent Odin isn't. He is a figure of culture, wisdom, war and the dead. Which is why I personally do the following at this time each year. Culture - I go to the Woodford Folk Festival for the music, film, theatre and community. Sometimes I follow this up with the Elvis Festival in Parks for the same reason I go to see "the KING".
Wisdom - I catch up with friends and family and we talk, we review the year and the years before and see if anything has been learnt.
War - War means at its simplist the spilling of blood, I that is what I do, I make sure that I get to a red cross centre and donate my 640mls because over the holidays the sick and injured are going to use it. Some of them will probably be KTM riders.
Dead - I reflect on mates, family and others that aren't celebrating this season of Odin, the ones all ready in Vallhala. This is a reminder to myself to live every day because one day I will be just a thought in someones season.
So to all, seasons greeting whatever your faith, see you in the new year. Safe riding over the break.