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  # 1  
Old 13-12-10, 13:19
marktbike marktbike is offline
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The speedo's mystery (11d1)

Ok, what I�m going to report sounds incredible, but I love numbers and I�m sort of fond about calculations and ratios, instruments and gauges. Moreover: one of the first things I look at when I ride a new bike (and I've bought quite a lot of them in my life), is taking a look at the ratio between speed in kph and rpm/1000.
That said, here's what happened: my new T�n�r� (white 11d1 with 20 days� life and 1,700 km on the odo, in case you wonder) usually shows a speed of about 82 kph at 3,000 rpm, about 108 kph at 4,000 (it�s not so precise, but it seems to be a common pattern to most electronically operated speedo�s, including my Husky�s). Well, on Friday afternoon I rode to Marsala (about 70 km from my place) and during all the ride, the speedo was reading 75 kph at 3,000 rpm, 100 kph at 4,000. I double checked using my watch and the motorway km signs: it was perfect (40 seconds at 90 kph for one km). Stopover in Marsala and on the ride back it was back to �normal�: 82 kph at 3,000 and so on, with the usual speedo error. The instruments check was normal and I always wait for it to be completed. I know, hard to believe, but that�s it. Any clues or similar experiences?
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Old 13-12-10, 15:50
panamrider panamrider is offline
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Maybe this is what happens when you're driving against or with the earth rotation, or some kind of relative Einstein compensation programmed by highly skilled Yamaha technicians.
I can see you live in sicilly and i don't want to pull out the old mafia stealing stereotype, but are you sure nobody has "touched" your bike while you were sleeping?

Sorry for the irrelevant post. Didn't mean to do any harm, but i just had to write something...
  # 3  
Old 20-12-10, 13:24
marktbike marktbike is offline
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Well, I'll check with the mafia boys, as I can't reach Einstein nor any Yamaha technician! It's ok for the joke, but the mystery stays!
  # 4  
Old 20-12-10, 16:56
Denny Denny is offline
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Originally Posted by marktbike View Post
Any clues or similar experiences?
I have a similar thing with green skittles...gotta count them all before I can start eating them

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  # 5  
Old 21-12-10, 00:00
Woottonboy Woottonboy is offline
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Freddo Frogs

I counted the number that were upside down in the packet from 1993 - 1995 of each one eaten.

From memmory it was 83% upside down. Went through a lot of Freddo's in that time because they were used as equivalent of $10 in all betting at uni (even though they sell for 50 cents). Maybe you had to be there! Geology had a lot of long boring mini bus trips to look at rocks in the field, it was nothing to be gone for a week and cover 2500km. So we bet Freddo's to fill the time in, on things like:
* number of cars in the next 10 minutes
* colour of the next car
* number of dead skippies between two towns

Bus driver was adjudicator, adjudicators word was final.

Actually compulse counting it is a very good indicator of Asperger's Syndrome. Which I unfortunately/apparently I also show other indicators for. When I worked on a seismic exploration vessel I used to be able to calculate (in my head) the speed in km/h or knots just from the shot blast sequence without use of a clock. Just counting in my head.

Even better that that was Skid, I worked in a data room with 15 dot matrix line printers for over two years that used to spit out regular data but each printer had its own pattern. Skid worked in the same room for over 10years. You could turn any printer in the room to standby, blind fold Skid, walk him into the centre of the room let him listen to the room for 30seconds. And Bang, he would be able to tell you which printer it was. This was in a steel ships hull, with noise bouncing all over the place. It was his little party trick he won many, many, many bottles of red wine, every time someone new came on board they would be done over by Skid the freak.

Skid said it was easy. You just listen to the printers talking to you each one thas a sentence. To my way of thinking when the machines start telling you stuff it is a sure sign you have been at sea way too long.

Back to the topic I only have the R so no taco... and no idea what revs are happening.
  # 6  
Old 21-12-10, 13:31
marktbike marktbike is offline
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Wow, sounds like I stirred an interesting pot of experiences! I'll try to forget about this episode, then! Moreover, it's been an isolated one. Nice to learn about other people's lives, the one about the printers is great!

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