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Old 19-09-10, 09:11
Ilkleyal Ilkleyal is offline
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Question Why all the o2 mods

I get my new bike in 2 weeks. Not really into modding stuff. Why are mods to fuelling so popular? Is there something profoundly wrong in standard form? I'm not into speed (obviously) so out of the box performance should be fine. Or is there something I don't know

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Old 19-09-10, 09:52
dazmatic dazmatic is offline
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It was found with these bikes that when they switch between open and closed loop fuelling, it produced a lean condition causing the bike to surge.

So, a fuel mod was introduced to richen up the bike to lessen the surging which worked.

However, it was discovered on newer bikes that when you disconnect the O2 sensor it caused further problems as the bikes ecu when in closed loop mode switched from lean to rich on the fly causing surging once again and although there was an O2 eliminator which plugged into the open socket left by the removed O2 sensor, it didn't help matters. In the end it only acted as an aide to prevent a warning light and error code when the sensor is disconnected.

We have been trialling another mod which prevents the bike from going into closed loop allowing for the fuelling to be complelety adjusted and mapped according to the riders wishes.
09 XT660X:

CCC Stainless Rounds, Stage 1 DNA, Stage 2 DNA, PCV With Custom Autotune Map, PCV AutoTune, Home made O2 eliminator, Self machined Fork Spacers, DIY Autotune Switch.
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Old 19-09-10, 10:02
richardsracingmad richardsracingmad is offline
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Basically, when you are on very low throttle openings, IT SEEMS LIKE the engine speeds up/slows down without you moving the throttle.

It is only slight, but annoying!! You may not notice it...but if it bothers you, WAIT for the ultimate solution mod, that will be coming soon..... 02 EMULATOR (not ELIMINATOR)......

I had a Buell V-TWIN....now that was what you call BAD SURGING.......

Last edited by richardsracingmad; 19-09-10 at 10:14.
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Old 19-09-10, 12:55
maxwell123455 maxwell123455 is offline
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Its all to do with the environment. They say thats carbs on any engine are bad as when the throttle is closed they still put fuel through the engine, and as its not doing anything (ie not driving the wheels) its wasted!!

So now with the new fuel injected bikes they have been trying to basically find the best compromise for when you turn the throttle off how much fuel is put into the engine to keep it going but then also not waste too much. Theyve came up with so many different ways to check/monitor this. This isnt as bad on a 4 cylinder bike where a change in the fuelling will automatically come in and because the pistion sizes are very small dont create a huge amount of punch.

Do this on a big single or a twin and your bike with lurge or surge forward. Its like the bike is putting on and off the throttle ever so slightly with out you doing anything, all in the sciene of saving the environment for that last few mpg/carbon whats its per kg (dirty stuff from the exhuast)

How do you fix it?

There are a few different ways but they all are basically trying to trick the fuelling system into doing what is best for the rider and not the environment
Plough on

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