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  # 11  
Old 04-09-10, 22:49
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Before pictures

As you can see from the pictures I have plenty of work to be doing to get "Julian" back to his former glory!
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Old 05-09-10, 00:02
dewill_sk dewill_sk is offline
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Tony xt660x

Just out of interest how much did you get the bike for?

Good luck with the restoration
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Old 05-09-10, 00:07
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dewill.. dae ye honestly think Tony will tell us that.... I bet Tony wished he wid have hung on tae the peach that he sold me.... Tony,, I thought ye wir looking fur a real clean xtx.???? an ye bought that rusty thing... a dont understand......... did you not have a new BLUE one wi gold wheels a while back......... not like you at all tae buying Rust....but ye MUST have got it at a knockdown price...hey If it goes GREAT.. ye kin always hit it wi MattBlack...........
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Old 05-09-10, 09:22
dewill_sk dewill_sk is offline
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It was just pure matter of the interest - I had - xtx as a project you will not believe what the bike looks like two months after

And even you buy bike cheap - you think is worth it - for the money you spend - you could buy yourself a good one (on the other side think about the time love and TLC you can have in garage when doing the restoration )))

Safe riding
  # 15  
Old 05-09-10, 09:38
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Other than a little paint and polish I am not buying anything else for the bike. I may even sell the carbon cans and put the standard ones back on. Meaches original pictures made it look terrible but its not. Paint the swing arm, clean the spokes (elbow grease then paint), scotch pad the headers, polish them, touch up the engine case, T cut and polish the bike and it will look fine.

I was going to buy a nearly new XT but that was only if it was my only transport but as I have kept my car I wanted a cheap XT to get around on and get my enjoyment out of. Having a nearly new bike for me means hassle trying to keep it clean after every ride and that really was detracting from enjoying ownership. Get a tatty one, clean it up a little and just use it is what I am after. My only real requirement looking for this bike was I wanted the MK1 bike and a touring screen. I got a spare set of plastics so I may have a play painting it an urban camo or matt black as stated before but the candy red; I like. Looking through the receipts I see a full set of plastics (not including front fender) are �60 a set so it again may be cheaper to just buy a gloss black set and be done with it.

Dewill I would have had yours but I know Meaches bike and it had alot less miles on it. I wont spend anymore than �100 getting it sorted (not including service costs).
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Old 05-09-10, 10:19
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Nice bike tony
Hope you have good fun with it as i did.

Glad it went to someone on here and someone who can get her back to respectable.
or olives???
quote motonacio "this is to certify Meach is not the prat you'd think from his posts"
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Old 05-09-10, 10:29
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Originally Posted by afk40 View Post
dewill.. dae ye honestly think Tony will tell us that.... I bet Tony wished he wid have hung on tae the peach that he sold me.... Tony,, I thought ye wir looking fur a real clean xtx.???? an ye bought that rusty thing... a dont understand......... did you not have a new BLUE one wi gold wheels a while back......... not like you at all tae buying Rust....but ye MUST have got it at a knockdown price...hey If it goes GREAT.. ye kin always hit it wi MattBlack...........
That rusty thing???
Thanks and there was you saying you would have bought it if it was a week earlier lol
or olives???
quote motonacio "this is to certify Meach is not the prat you'd think from his posts"
  # 18  
Old 05-09-10, 11:41
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Originally Posted by meach View Post
That rusty thing???
Thanks and there was you saying you would have bought it if it was a week earlier lol
Exacxtly John, really sometimes I don't know if you are coming or going with the stuff you come out with. How about think before you speak or stuff a wee haggis down yer gob!

Errr... why are you already selling your XTR? I thought you got Kev to send you a revised TPS for it, have you told Kev not to bother now?
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Old 05-09-10, 15:56
dewill_sk dewill_sk is offline
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Tony xt660

Actually good job I did not sale mine yet - loving it

If it was sitting for a while - witch looks like it will be worth checking the swing arm bearings and linkage bearings - little touch of grease would not do any harm

Good luck with the rebuild
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Old 05-09-10, 16:44
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Meach, I would have bought yer Rusty thing,,, as I dont mind a wee bit o rust... an as Tony is gonna do, thats what I would have done too...or Camo`d it if ut was that bad.. am not decrying anyone here its jist a few choice words....

I mentioned about Tony... as a few weeks ago I saw that he was looking fur a minter,,,, an i didnt think he would have bought that particular one.. but if you readers rememebr,, I actually encouraged Tony jist tae go get it.... i was only thinkin thats not really Tonys stamp.. as I know he likes things tae be nice....

Dewill.....I didnt mean any harm in what a wrote conerning what Tony paid fur it.... an Capt, I see you here again sticking yer nose in an gieing yer tuppence worth........... whatever Deal me an Kev has, has really nothing to do wi you.. I dont mean tae be rude here, but its really not.. as fur sellin ma bike...I might sell as a dont really know what to do at this exact time.. but I am hoping that the NEW TPS will make the bike more enjoyable to ride,, an that might win it over fur me.. as ye klnow I like XTs.. an I like this one in particular....Ive done now 1000 miles onit over the course of 4 run outs over the last 12 days...i thought to maself.. if i get it sold al put some money to it an buy another XTX.. somethng wi low miles on it.... as there is a few out there just now.. an 2500 wid get me a good one.. but if mines doesnt sell,, well I`l niether be up or down.. i do fancy a Varadero.. ave had 3 off them in the past.. but theres so much enjoyment out of a XT.. be it a R or a X...The highish miles on mine doesnt really bother me at all.....as it goes as good as a 5000 miler, ave had xt`s 3 off them NEW 8 of them secondhand,, some wi NO miles on them some wi 3k some wi 7K a had one wi 22k,, an this one has now 45k an tae be perefectly honest.. they all gothe exact same.....

But I do like the X an always have.. its a nicer looking Bike...I liked teh idea of having an R cause I could go off raod here an there,, but that would only happen about 5% o the time owning it.. my miles are on the tarmac really...

I could probably Break ma bike an get the same money fur it...but I was out yesterday an it suged.. ad like it to be nice an have no surgin.. but I can live wi it...but hopefully the TPS will be a difference....an if it does..well a`l keep it...Maybe.....maybe not..... but the winter is comming an they ride outs will not be the same on a vara or a XT... I stayed with a Duke yesterday in the twistys,, but as soon as he hit a straight he was off.. an left me in a wake of fumes.. in the blinko a eye he was a half mile away fae me.. an i jist never pursued him..... but its good tae hae a wee bit o power HORSES when ye need them.......so wi Kev giving me his expertise.. as I know he woould give it to anyone.... that is between him an whoever...if teh TPS is the same as the one i have an it doesnt do anyting different.. i will put it back on the forum at the same price as KEV an me aggreed, an someone else can have it... again thats between Kev.. an me an whoever... if the truth be told.. as ye know I have had many a bike.. an if i had the money.. ad go buy an aprilia Dorsoduro the morra... but what I will say, this is the longest time ave been on a forum,,,an i like it here an 99% o the guys on here are friendly an mannered..its a good forum....an helpful........... so am not gonna decry anone fur what they buy ..... or not.. but its high time you got a throbbin between yer legs again.. an then ye kin say... aye am a biker..........
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