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Old 17-10-13, 22:26
-ralph- -ralph- is offline
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Age old winter question, but I don't fit the age old answer

So, new bike

And it is as good as brand new


FS365 or ACF50

I know a thousand age old forum users just let out a groan - "Didn't we answer this last October/November? And the one before that?"

I know, I know, I've read this stock question a million times before too.

But the stock answer seems to be if you are using it every day and don't have time to wash it, ACF50 and leave it dirty the whole winter.

If you are going ride occasionally and wash after every ride, use FS365 and reapply each time.

I'm somewhere in between. I'll not wash it after every ride, and I don't use it every day, but I will wash it regularly. Use it 2-3 times a week, wash it once every 7-10 days will be typical throughout winter.

I will wash it as it's almost brand new and I won't be able to cope with seeing it plastered in crud while hoping ACF50 is doing it's job underneath.

So which should I use?
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Old 18-10-13, 09:20
Gas_Up_Lets_Go Gas_Up_Lets_Go is offline
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Originally Posted by -ralph- View Post
FS365 or ACF50


They do different jobs. ACF50 should be applied liberally now, today. Makes sure you cover everything (except brake disks - obviously!). Put some in a cup/bowl/anything and use a small brush to apply it to your spokes at the nipple, fixings around you habdlebars, banjo bolts (thinly... you don't want to contaminate the brakes) - anywhere else you can think off. Take off the seat, coat underneath, take off your tank, do the same. It needs a proper covering.

Next - do not wash the bike, if you do, reapply the ACF50.

After each wet ride, only wet ones, spray the bike with FS365 (don't get it on your brakes, but... I've sprayed it on the brake disks before if the bike is going to stand a while, it stops the rusting but remember to clean them off before you next ride) and leave it.

Don't wash it.

In the spring, a proper good wash, and it will look great.

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